I had to post this! - youtube thread

some crazy stuff :



I love ArmA. Here is a video that reenacts some of Black Hawk Down's scenes using Armed Assault.

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uB9I1jUqcw[/youtube] I'M GOING TO RAPE YOOOOOUUU

believe it or not this wasnt always a youtube thread. another thread and this got merged together. and i didnt think it wrranted its own thread.
Steve-O's ass is going in jail reeeeaaaaaaalll soon...



WHoa, I would pay extra for rent if I can have Steve-o live next to me and play TOOL at night.

I thought you were a fat chick
Then I realized you were pregnant
I thought it would be funny if your baby died
So I kicked you in the stomach

I kicked you, your baby's dead [x3]
Ha ha ha, your baby's dead

There were no stairs to throw you down
There was no roof to throw you off
There were no coat hangers around
So I kicked you in the stomach


Anal Cunt sucks.

Paladin Solo said:
I love ArmA. Here is a video that reenacts some of Black Hawk Down's scenes using Armed Assault.
Nice. Is it a sequel to Operation Flashpoint?

I fucking love meshuggah, but this video is funny as feck.

BTW anal cunt made me want to vomit.
this is crazy.


Get the crab on its back and hit its weak point for MASSIVE DAMAGE :D .