I have a unique problem.


First time out of the vault
I have a strange modding related problem, and I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I have a phobia of deformed animals, and brahmin really disturb me. I was wondering if it was possible to change the brahmin graphic. Possibly to a dog or something. It's extremely difficult to play through Fallout 2 without actually looking at any brahmin. If anyone here could help me, It would be greatly appreciated.
Hmm, it might be easier to seek professional help. How long have you had these problems? Has your father ever hurt an animal in your presence?
brahmin aren't deformed, there born that way, it's the one headed brahmin that are the deformed ones,
Y0u ju5t 35ca43d fr0m a m**h0u53?

well but it's realy simple...

If you, as you said, want that brahmins to look like dogs you need to extract the dogs frm (graphic) files from the critter dat file. You must also discover which frm files belong to the dogs animation corse and then you have to discover the name of the brahmin frm files. After the dog frm are extracted rename them to the names of the brahmin frm files.
I've found out which .frm files belong to the dogs, and which belong to brahmin, but what do I do with the dog files once I've renamed them? Do I put them in data/art/critters? or would I have to put them in a .dat file or something?
well, there is aanother solution, when you enconter a Brahmin, kill it, with a high explosive weapon,that wont disturb you anymore, because it will only be a pile of flesh and bone, covered in blood :D
I think this qualifies as an unique problem indeed, but then how do you think about centaurs?
So I guess this:
is something you wouldn't want to see... or was I mistaken ? :twisted: