I have an annoying virus on my computer.


Antediluvian as Feck
Really, it was on a CD I tried to install a game from. A trojan, no less. It's not doing any harm that I am aware of, but it's still annoying as hell, especially as Norton virus warnings pop up indefinitely. The virus gets detected a lot alright, but Norton Antivirus is unable to remove it, much less quarantine it. I tried to remove it in failsafe mode, but well... Failed. It's still there, and those "OMG oh noes you have a virus" warnings are really annoying. Anything I can try before reformatting my PC?
Disable virus protection? Maybe try some other anti-virus tools. I had a really annoying one some time ago that wouldn't go away with Norton, so I installed AVG (by Grisoft) and it worked like a charm that works.
How about you stop using that Symantec piece of shit and switch to a real man's antivirus, like Nod32 or Kaspersky? Better yet, get ZoneAlarm Security Suite which will solve all your privacy and security problems once and for all.
Ratty said:
How about you stop using that Symantec piece of shit and switch to a real man's antivirus, like Nod32 or Kaspersky? Better yet, get ZoneAlarm Security Suite which will solve all your privacy and security problems once and for all.
Not ZoneAlarm, that's the worst firewall I have ever seen in my entire life. (Well, actually, the second worst). Go get a decent one, like Sygate's.
If you're really desperate, you can download HijackThis and try to find the trojan manually, and then try to erase it at startup.
Montez said:
What game was it, and was it a store bought-copy?

Battle for middle earth, and hehe, yes, you could say so I guess.

I'd hate to turn auto-protect off, my PC usually swarms with virus when I do. I'll try another antivirus thingy. Thanks.
I remember I found this one program once which stops windows from "using" any file so you can delete it. It was a godsend when I had it, as I could finally get rid of all the shit that makes itself "used by windows" and therefore undeletable.

I don’t remember the name of the program, unfortunately, but if you want to get rid of the thing, I suggest that is what you look for on Google.
ZoneAlarm is the most annoying fucking program in the world. I don't know if all you guys are just rabid porn fiends worse than I am (That's scary) or if I'm just really luck, but this is combination I use with great effect. Only gotten Spyware once and swatted more than a few viruses before they make any mischief.

Dell Dimension 4700
running Windows XP SP2
MS IE 6.0.2900.2180x with popup blocker on high.
MS antispyware
MS Windows built in firewall (This thing kicks ass. The fact that it's so deeply integrated into the OS is its best asset; nothing gets by it.)
Ad-aware SE
Norton SystemWorks with Antivirus (this is a great app. It does so much stuff. Cleans up the registry for you and fixes disk errors. Sweeeet!)
The "Mop-up Crew" consists of other little apps that help keep the system clean and lemony-fresh... HijackThis, CWshredder, Spybot, and a nifty little thing called "PurgeIE" that really does clear the history and everything that IE doesn't seem to be able to do on its own (poor IE).

Now I know you'd say "Use Firefox" and I was going to, but I asked my buddy Rich and he tells me that Firefox was doing the same damn thing I got PurgeIE to fix! and there's no program called "PurgeFF"!!!

(For reference, the problem was twofold; pressing "Clear history" wouldn't, and certain typed URLS would not go away. PurgeIE kills EVERYTHING, including MRU lists (which Ad-aware can kill as well).
If you can't delete the infected file because windows is using it, rename the infected file to something else, then paste in a good copy or a fake copy of the file, then reboot.

Windows will now use the good or fake copy of the file at startup and you can then delete the renamed infected one.
Lord 342 said:
MS Windows built in firewall (This thing kicks ass. The fact that it's so deeply integrated into the OS is its best asset; nothing gets by it.)
Actually, that's its worst asset. It ignores all of WIndows' own services that wish to access the internet to do...ehmm...well, I don't know what, but they don't get to access it on my PC.

My combo:
Windows XP Pro
Sygate Personal Firewall
Trend Micro Officescan
Intelligent use of the internet

I've never had any problems with anything pertaining to virii, ad-ware or spyware.
and if everything fails, nuke teh your com-p-you-tar lolzorz!11!one

well, I format and reinstall everything on my PC when I get a really bad virus, since I don't know how a firewall works, it's seems equally complicated as programming to me(though programmers say programming isn't complicated), in fact, I barely even know what a firewall is... :roll:
Without knowing the name of your “Trojan” I cant give you any specific advice. But…

As someone already mentioned it before…. STOP USING NAV.
Norton “antivirus” tends to HOG your system and as a result it tends to operate aprox. 20% slower on an average PC.

Next step would be installing Spybot & Adaware (which I personally don’t like) going into safe mode, and running a scan on both of them.

Use “msconfig” to remove all the unnecessary junk from startup.

The real sticky treats you’ll have to remove manually from the registry.

man, everyone i know gets these uber virus problem

i rarely ever get them... spyware, yeah, sure, but it is easily removed

and i do get virii, from time to time, i just run avast, which seem to work adequately for me
Rev. Layle said:
man, everyone i know gets these uber virus problem

Watch less p0rn and you'll be OK

i rarely ever get them... spyware, yeah, sure, but it is easily removed
you’re obviously didn’t get the real nasty ones

and i do get virii, from time to time, i just run avast, which seem to work adequately for me

there's almost no difference between the various antivirus companies. The main difference is how often they update their databases, and how heavily they hog your system.