I have got a problem with ENB.


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Long story short, I have got problem with ENB and cannot get it working properly. Here are some screenshots with my current set up.

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Can anyone help?

Look at the SS bottles, they look very gritty with ENB.
Which ENB you are using right now? have you ask the one created it about this issue?
First, what ENB?
Second, have you fiddled with ini files?
Third, wrapper or injector folder?
Fourth, what graphical mods you use along with it?
Fifth, you remembered to turn off AA and AF from ini?
1. I am trying to get default working.
2.Yes,yes I set them accordingly to fear and Loathing.
3.Both I guess, but I think I use the one with d9 file.
4.The ones by fear and Loathing. NMC textures, ojo bueno, etc.
5.Yes I did. Even used configurator.
1. Default working? I assume that means what comes out from the ENB folders itself and you want to tinker with it yourself?

Enbseries.ini has the all the post effect configuration. Enblocal.ini is for the memory boost tweaks.

3. It's usually wrapper that you should use, injector is last ditch effort if it's not working.

5. Then I might ask what Mod Manager you are using?
Sorry, I hate ENBs and so does many or all in the TTW team, so I don't have experience with that thing or even heard/talked much about it either.
Can't help :(.
Actually, I kind of managed to get it working. However, I already regret it. The effects makes my eyes tired. Some screenshots.
20170830203714_1.jpg 20170830203720_1.jpg 20170830203722_1.jpg

I am using Rudy ENB btw.
ENBoost? What's that?

It's the ENB, but without graphical modifications, just taking usage out of VRAM. Users that are running out of memory may be able to solve their issues with ENBoost. Also, the borderless window function and setting up a proxy for using other AA methods may be of interest to others.
Go to the Fallout New Vegas folder and open enbseries.ini in a text editor, like Notepad++, and set the first line to UseEffect=false. Save and close.
Open enblocal.ini in a text editor, like Notepad++, and edit the following lines:
EnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=false <-- As a last resort, setting this to 'true' may actually benefit some people getting stutter otherwise. Beware that it could potentially cause CTDs on some systems.
ReservedMemorySizeMb= <-- Possible values include 128, 256, or 512. It may require some tweaking depending on system hardware, but 256 is a good starting point.
VideoMemorySizeMb= <-- Go here to get the vramsizetest tool. Run the vramsizedx9.exe. Note the number it reports back. For Windows 7/XP, subtract 170 from the reported number to get your final value. For Windows 8.1/10, subtract 350 from the reported number to get your final value. The final value is what you want to enter here.
EnableCompression=true <-- Weaker systems may benefit from this setting being false.
AutodetectVideoMemorySize=false <-- Set the VRAM manually.
It's the ENB, but without graphical modifications, just taking usage out of VRAM. Users that are running out of memory may be able to solve their issues with ENBoost. Also, the borderless window function and setting up a proxy for using other AA methods may be of interest to others.
Go to the Fallout New Vegas folder and open enbseries.ini in a text editor, like Notepad++, and set the first line to UseEffect=false. Save and close.
Open enblocal.ini in a text editor, like Notepad++, and edit the following lines:
EnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=false <-- As a last resort, setting this to 'true' may actually benefit some people getting stutter otherwise. Beware that it could potentially cause CTDs on some systems.
ReservedMemorySizeMb= <-- Possible values include 128, 256, or 512. It may require some tweaking depending on system hardware, but 256 is a good starting point.
VideoMemorySizeMb= <-- Go here to get the vramsizetest tool. Run the vramsizedx9.exe. Note the number it reports back. For Windows 7/XP, subtract 170 from the reported number to get your final value. For Windows 8.1/10, subtract 350 from the reported number to get your final value. The final value is what you want to enter here.
EnableCompression=true <-- Weaker systems may benefit from this setting being false.
AutodetectVideoMemorySize=false <-- Set the VRAM manually.

I see, thanks for all the help. I think I will just check other enbs for now and see if I actually want them. Then I will decide.

I predict that I will remove ENB and just play without it. Cheers.