First time out of the vault

bhlaab said:Psyckosama said:bhlaab said:Also found a mod that makes sex with Nova less ridiculous. Nice.
Linkz, plez!
Thank you!
bhlaab said:Psyckosama said:bhlaab said:Also found a mod that makes sex with Nova less ridiculous. Nice.
Linkz, plez!
bhlaab said:I'm not quoting a big picture
Eyenixon said:bhlaab said:I'm not quoting a big picture
Don't see how this is any less obvious, it's just the same statement with slightly elevated language yet the completely pointless ellipsis and use of the word "among" make it just as grating.
We're going to have to do better than that.
Imagine a picture, okay? A picture of the Capital Wasteland. All that brick and rock. A whole lot of nothing, right?
There's people out there trying to just barely make it by from day to day. Fighting to stay alive and make something of what they got.
But then you've got all kinds of shit... Slavers, Super Mutants, Raiders... They all want a slice of the pie too and aim to take it by force.
[So your show is simply a platform to raise awareness among the unrepresented...]
Well, holy shit! Aren't you a chip off the old block? You ARE as smart as your dad.
Since you know all about the cause, no need to explain the effect. Let's get you on your way.
Eyenixon said:Douchey or not, amongst would be the correct usage of the term, and an intelligent character would apply it as such.
There's really not much you can do with this bit as Three Dog does not say anything that could really be commented on profoundly.
Something alluding to a pre-war figure could be interesting as your character was raised in a Vault with access to pre-war records.
Try, "Like a modern Edward R. Murrow, preaching change through the word of truth." Knowledge of influential figures (at least pre-war) and a concise analytical statement works better than a musing comment.
Is it possible to take that [Intelligence] junk out? It'd be more interesting to just have the options appear without telling you it's based off of a stat.
bhlaab said:That all said, I don't want it to seem like I'm on the defensive here and will shoot down any idea you come up with. I'm glad someone is initiating a back and forth about it to hopefully improve the mod. If anyone has major problems with how I wrote out the lines, I am in no way trying to state that this is THE OFFICIAL FALLOUT 3 DIALOGUE MOD, and competition is welcome.
Pnutmaster said:Nonetheless, bhlaab, I'm pleased to see you took the initiative and started what is an essential mod for any Fallout player with half a wit.
I'm assuming you edited the dialogue via the GECK, and if so, care to briefly elaborate on how this is done? I'm new to TES modding and suffice to say, the GECK is much more intimidating than the Starcraft Campaign Editor :p
Lexx said:Also a funny mod could be to replace all [Intelligence] with [Captain Obvious].
There you go.MirariNefas said:Lexx said:Also a funny mod could be to replace all [Intelligence] with [Captain Obvious].
Please upload this mod. I will download it.
Lexx said:Also a funny mod could be to replace all [Intelligence] with [Captain Obvious].
Nullifidian said:I just thought of something. Perhaps someone could make a mod where if a character has low intelligence it replaces the currently existing "intelligence" ones with really really stupid observations that someone who THINKS they are intelligent would make.
... um ... which would basically be the current "intelligence" responses.