I See Fields of Green...

This one looks like the skeleton of a huge metalic angel, with the bottom of the spine in the foreground and the wings spread out across the forest.

Very steam-punk!
The motorcycle story has been proved to be a hoax in 2002.

Hello and welcome to seven years ago? :D
Great pictures. The tour of that facility must have been awesome. We have some ruins you can walk around here too, but it's called Detroit.
Here in Masachussets we have the abandoned mental institutions if you want good pics like that. Also the photographer is important and those are really well taken! I might download a couple when I get home for desktop wallpapers.
Thanks! :D

It was a lot of fun. Actually got to spend the night there, which was great. The hotel there was nicer than the one I was staying at in Kiev o_O And they fed us so much food. 3 course meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It was all variations on the same few things (carrots, cabbage, beats, chicken, potato), but it was all good. Also had locally caught fish! I can feel the mighty fishy power coursing through me even now! :P

The guide was cool... basically he took us to a spot, and said, 'You have an hour.' and he'd leave us to do our thing.

I would definitely go again, though the trip made me somewhat broke, lol.
I salute you! Those are really well taken photos. Anyways, I have a -somewhat- stupid question: If radiation levels are so low that you can enter the "zone", how come it is not repopulated? Hope you took some radaway :)
Szeder said:
I salute you! Those are really well taken photos. Anyways, I have a -somewhat- stupid question: If radiation levels are so low that you can enter the "zone", how come it is not repopulated? Hope you took some radaway :)
safe enough to pass through doesn't mean safe enough to live.

if you fly a commercial airliner for instance, you also get irradiated (since the atmosphere up there doesn't filter out as much as down here). it's not much of an issue for flights, but if you're up there 100% of the time, it might be an issue.

anyhow, there are people who do live there. they're recluses that the government couldn't keep out and returned to their old homes. they often eat from their garden etc.

an addition to the problem are pockets of radiation. where you're perfectly safe in one location and move a few meters and find yourself in a highly dangerous area... this is due to things that have 'caught' radiation, like open windows during the explosion, causing radiation to be blown in. or just materials that easily retain radiation, such as living wood (iirc, could be wrong).

anyhow, safe enough to travel in if you know wtf you're doing. but i wouldn't recommend living there...
These are obviously fake! I mean, where's the constant brown haze?! :mrgreen:

But really, nice work. Interesting photos.