I think i might have found the next Fallout game name...keyword MIGHT!

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First time out of the vault
So there is a website i go on to see if my pc can run a certain game. Like is my GPU or CPU capable of running this game, so i am planning on getting a new pc, so i went to see if it could run Fallout 4. on the website to pick the game you click a developer, i clicked Bethesda, and then you pick the game in the drop-down box so i scrolled down into the fallout games and i saw this.

yea they could be wrong but it might not here is the link to the website to see 4 urself

Eh. Things like that come up all the time. Usually, it's a hoax.
I'll believe in the next Fallout installment when it has been announced, which will be half a year before release or something like that.
I still think they're announcing the next TES at E3, although that might overshadow their mystical new IP.
Meh, even if they announce it, it will be made by bugthesda. I don't see a point of hyping myself up either way.

Better wait for frontier or something
Wait and see, and archive this screenshot well. The rumor of a Louisiana centered Fallout has been on the table for a long time, and until now, it has always been hoaxes and rumors. But then again, who knows.

If this all turns out to be true, I'm curious about the clear distinction between Fallout 5 and Fallout New Orleans though.
If Bethesda takes the path of a major sequel + a standalone made by an executive studio, they'd probably hire the studio which has been the most profitable for them until now, aka Arkane Studio. Plus, most of their guys are French, could be useful for the development of a Fallout set in New Orleans.
Just saying that if all turns out to be true, I'd be ready to bet that Arkane will be behind the New Orleans Fallout, and not Obsidian.
There next thing isn't Fallout or Elder Scrolls from what I read actually. So there won't be able new Fallout news for close to a decade if their past cycles are any indication. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. More years pass, more of the staff that can't write for shit or create any kind of choice architecture having karmic strokes or something.