I thought it was a joke at first, but Johnny's dead.

Friggin Eurotrash. :seriouslyno:

Carson is a TV legend, and everyone knows that if there's one thing American's love its our TV (and guns, and cars, and relgion). Since we lead the world you by definition should know who Johnny Carson is.

Just for that, we hereby repeal Breton Woods and all our help after WW2. Go starve you ungratefuls. :wink:
And thank American post war redevlopment for the school you learned that in.

PsychoSniper said:
Or the fact that they ARE speaking german in Ashmos case.

Oi! We were going to give it back! Honest!

That Wall was only there because we really like graffiti and needed a nice centralized location to appreciate it at. Just ask Wooz!
Yes, grand.

That doesn't explain why a German-speaking person wouldn't know what Bretton-Woods is and why it was repealed in 1972, though.
Johnny Carson-

Hosted the Tonight Show before Leno. Pretty funny guy, but mostly he launced the careers of a lot of comics. Woody Allen, Jerry Seinfeld, Dave Letterman (who said that he owed everything he had achieved to Johnny Carson), George Carlin, lots of folks. Lots of musical acts too.

The guy really was king of late night TV in the US.

You're right, pretty sad day.
Jerry Seinfeld
For launching this guy's career he almost deserves to die. Seinfeld is the most unfunny comedian I've ever seen.