I want a complete game...

yup, i can always play a game with crappy graphics IF it comes with a good and deep story. I could also easily throw the opposite game(good graphics, crappy story) in the garbage after 20 minutes of playing.
But all these kiddies want from games these days are: "OMG co-op...omg omg omg...i want this game to have co-op.....omg the guuhrraaffiiix...omg i want my shit to have co-op too so i can shit the shit with my friend over teh interwebz".
Heh, I guess Co-op is the new thing. I just love the fact that they make a co-op campaign and then forget to add an AI in the newest batch of co-op games :).

Playing co-op is nice but it does get weird as developers try to stuff co-op, dedicated single player and multi player into the same portion of the budget with the scenario and other useless bits. (or pull all these out of the same box-hat)