Ugly Kid
Still Mildly Glowing

I'm very upset that Fallout will forever be remembered by the general public as :MARKETABLE: :BRIGHT COLOURS: :NUKA COLA:
This art is what Bethesda fans think when they hear Fallout (No shade to these artists, the art they make is great but I'm making a point):
It seems like people only view the classic games as lore, New Vegas is just a spinoff only good for cool armour. And according to this video (again no shade intended), they think that the only people who like New Vegas (Classics were maybe implied) are hopping on a bandwagon or something. Tactics and PoS are one in the same and should be condemned to hell.
It's genuinely upsetting to me. In an Instagram comment section I said I disliked FO4 because it's not an RPG. I got ratio'd by someone saying "Go play an RPG then", as if they didn't realize Fallout is an RPG series. I feel like Fallout proper only lives in the heads of people on classic forums like this one.
I'm starting to think a proper Fallout game will never be made again. Bethesda doesn't care about Fallout. Look at how much effort they put into Skyrim, dual wielding, magic, mounts, transformations, etc. In Fallout 4 you can make a settlement and a robot but there isn't much else that's interesting. Starfield even looks promising, proper RPG elements for the first time under Todd Howard and Pete Hines' management.
Am I growing old and weary? Am I too pessimistic? How does anybody feel about this?

This art is what Bethesda fans think when they hear Fallout (No shade to these artists, the art they make is great but I'm making a point):

It seems like people only view the classic games as lore, New Vegas is just a spinoff only good for cool armour. And according to this video (again no shade intended), they think that the only people who like New Vegas (Classics were maybe implied) are hopping on a bandwagon or something. Tactics and PoS are one in the same and should be condemned to hell.
It's genuinely upsetting to me. In an Instagram comment section I said I disliked FO4 because it's not an RPG. I got ratio'd by someone saying "Go play an RPG then", as if they didn't realize Fallout is an RPG series. I feel like Fallout proper only lives in the heads of people on classic forums like this one.
I'm starting to think a proper Fallout game will never be made again. Bethesda doesn't care about Fallout. Look at how much effort they put into Skyrim, dual wielding, magic, mounts, transformations, etc. In Fallout 4 you can make a settlement and a robot but there isn't much else that's interesting. Starfield even looks promising, proper RPG elements for the first time under Todd Howard and Pete Hines' management.
Am I growing old and weary? Am I too pessimistic? How does anybody feel about this?