Fallout 2 mod I want to make a single bullet go through lined up targets. Here are three attempts


First time out of the vault
So far all I've managed is this:

which uses obj_blocking_line and critter_dmg and is a pretty inelegant solution, for a number of reasons - one has to aim at the guy behind, for one thing, not to mention the fact that the animation for critter_dmg has proven...difficult to manipulate. Leaving it at normal damage produces the death anims usually associated with multiple bullets, and I've even had to cobble together a thing with the click hook (just to get the timing closer to right) that barely works.


(Thanks in advance)
Flame thing doesn't quite work - for one thing, it's not a straight line. At least one hex on either side gets hit too. Another issue: pistols don't have an animation for "Fire Continuous" so no shot happens at all.
Anyway, I've been working on my obj_blocking_line version and this is as good as I can get it so far.

Anyone know how to delay an animation? Right now one guy gets hit slightly before the shot even happens (I stick the animation in a combatdamage hook and the actual damage in an stdprocedure_end hook tied to damage_proc, which isn't ideal).
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I wouldn't say I'm happy with the method I'm using - I suspect there's a way to do this more gracefully with object rotations and path_find_to but it's a little beyond my ken. That said, exit/random crashes are (I think) gone, and all that's left is to find a way to delay the animation trigger and throw in some sound.

This sound code:
 sound := sfx_build_char_name(collateral, ANIM_fall_front_blood, snd_die);
         reg_anim_play_sfx(collateral, sound, 0);
doesn't work at all. Anyone have idea why?