Wounded Ronin
First time out of the vault

I was never a fan of the Fallout weapon choices. The Fallout artwork and intro really conveyed the atmosphere of the early 60s and the Cold War. Before I actually started playing a game but had seen only the intro movies and character creation graphics I imagined that the game would be filled with World War II and Korean War era weapons; 1911s, M14s, M3A1s, Mk2 pineapples, M1 garands, and so forth. Seeing as the setting was 1960s era, I was prepared to see ray guns and alien blasters a la Buck Rogers next to the old school 7.62mm slug-throwers.
When the game started me out with a 10mm pistol I was confused. 10mm has nothing at all to do with World War II or the 60s. Instead, it was adopted widely in, IIRC, the 80s or 90s after the FBI chose it to replace the .38 and 9mm sidearms which had poor stopping power. It mostly got worse from there. The game included things like .44 magnum deagles, which did not even exist in the 60s. I was expecting retro and instead I was getting fairly contemporary firearms.
I appeciated how Fallout 2 introduced M3A1s, M60s, FN FALs, and tommy guns, but then I felt that the damage codes for these weapons were weird. For some reason 7.62mm weapons uniformly did less damage than their .223 counterparts. This is extremely strange because .223 in reality actually performs a lot worse in terms of stopping power than 7.62; just read Black Hawk Down for proof.
I'm considering making a Fallout 2 mod where all of the modern guns, like the 10mm pistol, 10mm SMG, .44 deagle, and so on are replaced by early 60s technology. I feel that the game would be better with a more consistient retro feel.
Any thoughts or comments?
When the game started me out with a 10mm pistol I was confused. 10mm has nothing at all to do with World War II or the 60s. Instead, it was adopted widely in, IIRC, the 80s or 90s after the FBI chose it to replace the .38 and 9mm sidearms which had poor stopping power. It mostly got worse from there. The game included things like .44 magnum deagles, which did not even exist in the 60s. I was expecting retro and instead I was getting fairly contemporary firearms.
I appeciated how Fallout 2 introduced M3A1s, M60s, FN FALs, and tommy guns, but then I felt that the damage codes for these weapons were weird. For some reason 7.62mm weapons uniformly did less damage than their .223 counterparts. This is extremely strange because .223 in reality actually performs a lot worse in terms of stopping power than 7.62; just read Black Hawk Down for proof.
I'm considering making a Fallout 2 mod where all of the modern guns, like the 10mm pistol, 10mm SMG, .44 deagle, and so on are replaced by early 60s technology. I feel that the game would be better with a more consistient retro feel.
Any thoughts or comments?