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Excercise time for those who are bored:

I want to see anyone who has fifteen minutes to themselves create a new wrinkle in Fallout. A new group, a new City, a new whatever! The best and most complete one gets a harty slap on the back from me... an a twenty dollar gift certificate to OK? GO!
Ashen Beach

A small out of the way town i worked out a while ago with some guys on the chatroom for a fic which i never got round to finishing. Maybe i could finish coming up with some stuff.

And how about B-Pen's Harmony Ground setting, that was pretty great.

Anyway i am a little busy with my proposal for the Illuminati RPG and another fantasy fic about Fang

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It's only cheating if you get caught
Hm.. okay, I'll try to be sponteaneous here..

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Nov-19-01 AT 07:02AM (GMT)[p]
Sode Beach

A small fishing community right next to the Salt Lake in Independent Utah. There is a caste systemn in effect in this town.. while on the outward appearance, this seems such a boting place... this is actually where the best of the generation are taken and trained to be holy warriors(Apostles).

Darrow's mother was a Sode maiden... and she raised him here, a hard, working life for twelve years. When he reached thirteen, a delegation came from Tabernacle City, and took him.

Size: 78 hectares
Location: secret

Population: 340
Adults: 96
Children(9 and below): 120
Teens(18 and below): 124

Main source of livelihood: Fishing for saline trout and bass, subsidy from Tabernacle City

Trivia: Apostles are also called Fishermen of Sode.



This is the northenmost town in the Wastes, bordering on what used to be the Canada. It get really cold here in the winter... but the people stay on. They live absurdly long lives(the oldest is 146 years, and not senile) and they attribute it to the strange fungus they eat to supplement their diet.

It is VERY rare, and they sell it at great pittance to traders passing by. They live secluded from the world, becoming almost tribal in spirit. They belive in the Green God of The Forest, who grant them wisdom in difficult decisions.

There is a Cave here, one they fear and consider holy. In it is a pool of weird glowing green water... a water that taints flesh.

Anyone who enters the cave brings upon himself the wrath of the Green God of the Forest... and as a coming of age ritual, young men are tasked to go into the cave and pray... and taste the water.

Some don't return.

Those who do, however.. become obedient, well-mannered members oif the community. These 'worthy ones' are rarely angered, but when they do... the thought of defeat will never enter their mind.

Size: 85 hectares
Location: approximately 45 miles north-east of Arroyo

Population: 210
Adults: 142
Children(9 and below): 35
Teens(18 and below): 33

Main source of livelihood: Hunting and farming, bartering of medicinal fungus and herbs.

Trivia: Onetra is built above a large underwater river/cave system.
RE: Hm.. okay, I'll try to be sponteaneous here..

lol i love that

"its near canada and VERY cold"

cuz as soon as your cross the canadian border it goes down 35degrees
RE: Hm.. okay, I'll try to be sponteaneous here..

Pencil is winning.

What a suprise.

Someone else enter! ;-p

Good work there Pencil. It is interesting.
What If Sceenario: Brotherhood of Steel vs. Enclave

Suppose that along the way, the BOS and the Enclave crossed paths and it led to a battle. In Fallout 2, the Brotherhood was almost unrepresented, and I wished they were more involved in the story. So I have dreamed up a possible scene where the first meeting engagement between the two would occur. Basically, the Brotherhood would attempt to establish contact. Then the Enclave might send an emmisary to evaluate the brotherhood's fighting potential and technology, while under the guise of diplomacy. The Enclave might assess that the Brotherhood is a threat and send a Verti-Assault team to wipe them out. The Brotherhood might hold them off, but their victory would be costly. I was thinking why there wasn't more interaction with the BOS in FO2, so I thought this up. This is only a rough outline, of course, but it would be cool to see it brought to life
A shot

<William> Traven, I wasn't aiming for you!

<Traven> I don't know what about you is more pathetic, your judgement or your aim.



Cliffhaven, formerly (before the war) known as NOPDC, the North Oregon Political Detention Center, is located along the Western shoreline of the american continent, approximately forty miles north of New Arroyo Harbor.

Pre-war The NOPDC was built in the year 2069 to house at least five-hundred political convicts, warcriminals and terrorist leaders used as leverage against the countless nations that were in conflict with one another, and, more importantly, the United States. It efficiently fulfilled it's task up to the end of 2077.
NOPDC was one of the few places in which the air-defense alarms were taken seriously. For while the rest of America after the fourth false alarm started getting careless, the convicts kept seeing each evacuation to the small vault underneith the facility as an oppurtunity to escape.
When the alarms rang one last time in 2077, the convicts succeeded, partially. In their eagerness to escape, fights broke out between the convicts and their guards before even half of the Center's personnel and 'inhabitants' had reached the vault. A fact that didn't stop one scared lieutenant from closing the blast door and activating the timelock. 40 years, the by Vaulttec recommended minimum.
128 Men and women survived, 109 of which convicts. Three guards died mysteriously in their sleep (apparently, they had all managed to roll onto a knife, the same one)... The sixteen remaining guards, fearing for their lives, in a secret meeting decided that all prisoners were to be executed. They were (most likely and according to the stories) sold out by one of their own, who however remains unclear, as the record states all guards were killed in the following riot.
A French politician, Pierre Ducloux, who spoke almost all the languages spoken amongst the convicts, was from that day forth the unofficial leader of the survivors...

Post-war Unlike his professional colleagues, acting overseer Ducloux didn't have the least problem with his people leaving the vault, and was in fact one of the first to set foot on the sand of a new world.
The few young men the vault had were sent out, each trained with their parent's skills (lying, stealing, spying) to scout the surrounding area. The reports were, to say the least, depressing. They told their parents of a devastated world, with small towns scattered across the sand, trying to grow food in the desert, drinking poisoned water and hunting creatures more powerful than they themselves. Pierre had always been a practical man, so, if the humans were weaker than the creatures, there'd be considerably less risk in killing and/or robbing the hunters, the choice was simple.

New Arroyo The descendants of the convicts thrived in their restored prison, renamed Cliffhaven. Around the old prison an extra wall was even built, to protect the small, but growing, town that had formed around it.
At the time of the Chosen One, the great grandchild of Pierre, Jaric Ducloux, lead the raider clan, which had grown up to the point where he had to make sure a third of his men were on patrol at all times in order not to get stuck with too little space.
New Arroyo however, changed the easy pace of life for Cliffhaven. Traders and workers migrated out of the town to the new city, and forces from the republic swarmed north. Towns that normally paid Jaric for protection, now pleaded with New Arroyo to rid them of the raiders.
Only thanks to the fact that the Arroyan forces are small, undisciplined and paid for has allowed Cliffhaven to survive this long. The constant pressure however is driving them to the bargaining table with the NCR.

Some facts:
Raider 'garrison': 308
Civilian workers: 152
Traffic (number of arriving and leaving travellers and traders per day): 14

For those to whom this might sound familiar: Yup, this is were (captain) Lysle Rigger was originally from. (Unfinished and Cancelled fic, good reason so don't ask =)
I've always had a few good ideas for a story, but I just can't seem to find time for it.
Here goes:
A moon base. The story doesn't happen on the moon, but it involves the moon. Before the war, the EU space program has gotten farther ahead of the NASA because of the american isolationism. They actually succeed in establishing a small colony on the moon. The base lost all contact of earth after the bombs hit, but they were still able to control couple satillites to take images, and do atomspheric scans. After they learned of the destruction of the major civilization, they decided to take turns to go into cryonics sleep to conserve food and energy. They would only have enough staff to run the systems and monitor the earth, while running limited reaserch. After the discovery of the Enclave operation, and finding out the president of the US was still alive, they decided to make contact. But, before they were able to generate enough resources to make the second trip(the first one crashed, and it was discovered by you as a random encounter), you blew up the oil rig. They couldn't communicate through normal channels because all the digital telecom satillites got wipe out in the war, and no one had the power to run any towers that may pick up their signal.
This is just the background, the story begins after the second shuttle landed in SF which they thought was the most advanced civ. on the continent. The hubs thought they were the god/gods came from the planet in their spiritual teachings, which creates a interesting twist.

What do you think?

Starseeker, signing off.

"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."
What do I think?

GODDAMNIT MAN!!! WRITE IT!!! That must have been the best scenario for a Fallout Fan-Fic ever! If not the most original...
RE: On second thought...

>>In 2077 the European Union doesn't exist anymore... so you might get a tough time explaining how come the base is still manned.<<

The Europeon Union could very well exist. Look at the Enclave for an example. Governments and Special Forces (NATO, UN, EU, etc.) would certainly know that a Nuclear War was brewing and that they had to somehow survive if the bombs dropped. Take a dozen larger Vaults and 24,000 people and suddenly you are protected if the big one happens.

True Raven
The Annunaki FanFic and Theory Guild
RE: On second thought...

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-24-01 AT 09:25AM (GMT)[p][font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-24-01 AT 09:24 AM (GMT)

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-24-01 AT 09:23 AM (GMT)

Oh, really, thanks. I didn't think much of it. I used to a GM for some white wolf games and Cyberpunk, and owning to a large audience, I had to come up with lots of different scenarios.
What do you think True_Raven(what happened to your name?)? Is that the official FO history you guys were writing? The one with EU crashed in 2077?

Anyway, I got lots of ideas for FO, but I just never seem to find time to write it. My writing skills are not that good as well, since English is my second language and all. I will try to put some of these crazy ideas into words if I got more support(a willing editor, my grammer isn't all there sometimes), and some peace and quiet.

Hmm..., how about another one?

Shi's Emperor mainframe can no longer make decision for the Shi because of the over population. It wasn't design as an AI, and it did not need to manage that many people on the sub. And since it reach the limit of its capabilities, the Shi's software engineer hit a dead end. Then you showed up with some friends to purchase medicial supplies for the clinic in the new town. Skynet was still with you when Wong complained to you about their little problem. You been the hero type, asks Skynet to take a look at the Emperor. Skynet says there is nothing she can do.(Skynet decided to become a She instead of it because it'll help her to be one step closer to be human. And ever since she meet the medicial AI in brotherhood base(I forgot the name), she was able to provide enough raw materials from SAB
for it to create a synthic body for her by using bio-gels, left over frozen parts, dismanteled robots, and a few donations.) But, you said she was wrong. After some thought, you realizied that this is the perfect opptunerity for Skynet to learn to be truly human. Ever since you helped "create" Skynet, she has been tagging along whereever you go. Besides the need to depend on you since she's like a child in the big world, she feels a debt of graditude towards you. And there is a strange bond/chemistry between you two. But you know, as every parent knows, that children needs to grow up some day. This is the chance for her to be independent, and truly tests
limit for her to be a real human. You had a meeting with Wong and other Shi representatives, and all of you decided that it's the best COA. Skynet will absorb all the Emperor's data, and become chairwoman of the new Shi council. She would also be the new leader in the New Social Democratic Party which takes part in the new alliance between NCR, New Reno(run by Mrs. Bishop and Mrs. Wright, and your unknown daughters:D), and New Arrayo Confederation(which consists of Arrayo, Klamath, Redding(you took over Redding by using the chip you find to mine of your own gold to fund the new confederation), Den(run by Becky & Mom), and what used to be the Navarro base.). (Side note, VC didn't join the Alliance, after it swallowed Gecko and Modoc. Lynette and the Chief of security force got married, and begin their iron fist rule. The rat overthrew their rule with help from Harold, the cult, Lenny, and Maclure. And Lenny and Harold double crossed the rat which was the plan you came up with in the first place. Maclure and the rest took over but because of the bad karma/influence left over from the Lynette era, all of you decided it was best to keep quiet for couple years until things died down. Lynette did have her supporters, esp. in NCR, so, if all of the sudden after the coup, you guys start to act all buddy, buddy like; people would ask questions. Broken Hills was absorbed by NCR, but not without some resentments. The Mutants wanted to stay independent but that requires heavy funding. After the mine quiet down, it could no longer aford to do so. VC did express interest in taking over but that was before the coup, and NAC wasn't up and running yet, so they decided it was for the best.) Anyway, Skynet agreed to run the show, but it was only after a lengthy talk with you since she was so dependent on you. You offered her some encouraging words and told her that the Shi has invited you as a special hononary member of the council, so she can ask your help at any time.
This starts another beautiful chapter of the human history, with interesting moral and fundamentally human questions to be answered. Just a backdrop, what do you think?

Here what the new Skynet may look like:
(just a concept, and no, I didn't draw it):)

Starseeker, signing off.

"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."
RE: On second thought...

For some reason the picture won't load, maybe it's just my browser. If you want to see it, e-mail and I sent you a copy. I don't recommand you going to the site itself if you aren't over 18. I can't be responsibile for what you may or may not see. Some animes aren't for the young of heart.

Starseeker, signing off.

"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."
RE: On second thought...

Sadly I only have the intro text from Fallout 2 on my computer, however, if memory serves, at the beginning of Fallout 1 it was stated that: The European mainland fell apart into bickering nations...

Unless I've very much mistaking, that rules out just about any possibility of the European Union still existing...<<

No it doesn't. What most people forget is that everyone had their own secret agendas. If you think Vault-Tek was made to "Protect the Masses" then you are sadly mistaken. Vault-Tek was created to keep people from looking for what was really going on. I assume the European states were very similar to that.

"Let's fake a breakup and when the world and press is reeling from it we can meet secretly and discuss what we should do about the threats in the world."

That's just my theory...

True Raven
The Annunaki FanFic and Theory Guild
RE: On second thought...

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-01 AT 01:00AM (GMT)[p]Ehheh

So Europe's breaking would be faked... Right...

In our current timeframe, that would look like this:
Blair: Guys! Come on! I apologized, didn't I?
Chirac: Yes... but I can zee Schreuder's point... When you bombe a military installation, ze bombs shouldn't just wind up two miles zouth in ze middle of Berlin...
Blair: IT WAS DARK! OUR PILOTS DON'T HAVE ANY MORE X-RAY VISION THAN YOURS! Besides, Dutch frigates sank English fishing boats which got too close to their shores without warning just yesterday!
Schreuder (Singing): Radar
Kok: Our geigers were going on the fritz! What the hell were we supposed to do!? For all we knew, it could've been an American boat with nukes disquised as one of yours!
Schreuder (Sarcastic): Now that would've been a clever disguise, pretending to be the nearest enemy.
Chirac: Can we please get back to ze EuroVault security issues!?

Hehheh... Not buying... But hey, you can give it a shot...
RE: On second thought...

Hmm..., I guess a robotic AI striving to ascend to the realm of us hapless humans with things we taken for granted isn't a good story idea for the FO world. Well, I thought it was neat, but I guess nobody is interested in the fundamental questions facing humanity in a post-apocalyptic world. Nah, I guess I am just ranting.

William, I do support Traven's statement to a certain degree, because if you look at pre WWI times, Europe and the rest of the world aren't defined by a strict line telling you who your friends and enemies are. NATO, UN, WARSHAW(is that right?) and all other pacts and alliance came after the WWs, so everyone made secret deals and contracts to promote their own agendas. And, on the face of things nobody is nobody's official enemies or friends. Things in FO can very well turn into old times where people is more important than a piece of paper. Therefore, it's more possible because of USs' domainance(and the President been a ego maniac) in NATO that the rest of the EU decided to pretend all the BS america pump into EU is working and they are falling apart. Big corporations control things these/those days anyway. Vault-tek can very well have manuplate US into a war frenzy with the rest of the world to scare everyone into using their Vaults. It doesn't have to be EU, the PAF can very well have run things.(Pacific Asian Federation, banded together with Japan, Taiwan, Singapore as leaders in order to combat increasing hostility from China.) Well the story is swimming in my head somewhere, and I seemed to be needing more coffee to bring it out. Shh....., be very ver quiet, I am hunting stories, ha ha.........:D

Starseeker, signing off.

"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."

Class: Nomadic Tribal Raiders
Name: Apache/ Southwest Tigers/ Stinkin' reds
Population: Around a hundred per tribe or chief group. Total around 3,000, sometimes war with each other when not have an external threat.
Behavior: Raid sleepy Arizona towns (rarely), Mexico border towns, and NCR towns. Steal anything and also enslave a few people as a measure of revenge. Usually honorable and have an extreme reliance on trust. Once broken, trust is hard to mend.

History: The Apache Indians in our time live starkly contrasting lives. Some tribal reservations were lucky enough to have been placed on oil and gas wells, making the Indians rich enough to continually purchase back tribal lands. Others live on the medicore profits of herding animals like steer or sheep, while others live traditional tribal lives. It should be noted that the Apache in the Wastes are not exactly the same as the Apache that fought the Spanish, Mexicans, and Finally Americans in the 19th century. For one thing the ethnic make up has changed greatly. Why? When the bombs fell, many joined the Apache raiding group out of fear, opportunity, or convenience. Afterwards, many more were brought into the tribe as a result of forced adoptions.

Thought it may seem the Apache are a rough set of characters, it should be noted that when the bombs fell, they were a peaceful group. Then why the change? The primary influence are slaver groups in the East from Texas and New Mexico and the Khans from the West. These two forces created a pincer effect on the once peaceful Apache lands, reverting them back to more violent methods to increase their survival. Current chiefs began calling on famous historical warrior chiefs like Geronimo, Cochise, Eskeminzin, and Mangas Coronado to defend against their aggressors. It seemed that the tribals were close to being wiped out in 2183, as the Khans struck a deal with local slavers. The Apache which were largely unorganized suffered major defeats before appealing to the Arizona Rangers. Since the AR needed a group familiar with Khan equipment and Tactics the California Rangers were a natural candidate. This 'triple entente' (actually 3 ranger organizations, BoS influence, and 5 tribes combined) managed to fend off the Khan/Slaver onslaught. Of course, the alliance fell apart afterwards.
"Questions Answered"

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Apr-02-02 AT 05:33AM (GMT)[p]Hey has anyone ever noticed that nobody knows where the Deathclaws come from?
We have all assumed that they were mutations of something from the post war.
How about this the military was creating a warrior that could move quickly, silently, strike with accuracy and deadly force.

Sound familiar?

So the characters stumble upon the wreckage of a old genetic testing ground and must help the new deathclaws adapt to the wasteland (they have never ventured out of their nest.

hey i havent made it all the way through tactics yet (hey im slow and the errors arn't helping) and my history of 1&2 is hazy so if it was explained just move on

this was really an adventure idea for P&P so forgive the "character references"