Wasteland Peacemaker
I have an idea for a group of mutants that I refer to as Outcasts. Their backstory is as follows.
In the aftermath of the war birth defects and deformities were common, particularly among survivors and communities that had been exposed to radiation. Typically these deformities were minor and unnoticeable, like an extra toe or an extra nipple, while others could be quite extreme, like an extra arm or an extra eye. These radically deformed mutants often had difficultly being accepted by their “normal” friends and family. Most would eventually be cast out by their communities due to post-war superstitions or just plain old bigotry against the deformed. Those that managed to survive the harshness of the wastes would eventually find company in other deformed humans that had suffered the same fate.
Some of these mutant outcasts would band together to form their own communities, providing safe haven for others of their kind. They would interbreed with each other, multiplying the severity of the mutations in their offspring. Over the course of a few generations they would rapidly devolve into forms that were barely recognizable as human.
But for now, they look more like Futurama’s sewer mutants.
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(Minus the animalistic features, like tentacle arms)
The Futurama screen for refence works, but what you described made me think more of the Morlocks from the X-Men comics.