First time out of the vault

I was thinking today about how to make the game seem more interesting in certain ways. Not by installing mods. At least not yet. But by making up little "rules" not built into the engine. For example, whenever going into hostile interiors, I don't quicksave at all. I simply rely on autosaves. I never use stimpaks or other drugs in the middle of combat, only before/after. I never bring up my PIPboy in the middle of combat for any reason, so I choose my weapon quickslots wisely (I might still pause the game by pressing ESC if I want to stop and think).
I thought about what the game would be like if you could only attack with VATS and I even tried it out for a while. But then I remembered that there were weapons that obviously weren't meant to be used in VATS like the minigun and any scoped weapon. And battles with multiple enemies or enemies with high health involved alot of running around waiting for the bar to fill up. So I ditched that idea.
Can you think of anything else?
I thought about what the game would be like if you could only attack with VATS and I even tried it out for a while. But then I remembered that there were weapons that obviously weren't meant to be used in VATS like the minigun and any scoped weapon. And battles with multiple enemies or enemies with high health involved alot of running around waiting for the bar to fill up. So I ditched that idea.
Can you think of anything else?