Ideas to enhance experience?


First time out of the vault
I was thinking today about how to make the game seem more interesting in certain ways. Not by installing mods. At least not yet. But by making up little "rules" not built into the engine. For example, whenever going into hostile interiors, I don't quicksave at all. I simply rely on autosaves. I never use stimpaks or other drugs in the middle of combat, only before/after. I never bring up my PIPboy in the middle of combat for any reason, so I choose my weapon quickslots wisely (I might still pause the game by pressing ESC if I want to stop and think).

I thought about what the game would be like if you could only attack with VATS and I even tried it out for a while. But then I remembered that there were weapons that obviously weren't meant to be used in VATS like the minigun and any scoped weapon. And battles with multiple enemies or enemies with high health involved alot of running around waiting for the bar to fill up. So I ditched that idea.

Can you think of anything else?
My best suggestion on how to enchance it! I do it myself all the time! Ready?

1. Do to desktop.
2. Move your mouse over to FO3 shortcut.
3. Quickly move it and launch a different game.
4. Enjoy!

Has been working out great for me, haven't had so much fun in my life!!


Point being, making up imaginary rules will not make FO3 a better game.
Ausdoerrt said:
Point being, making up imaginary rules will not make FO3 a better game.

I'm inclined to disagree. Ever since I've been playing by my rules, I've been using my head more, rather than getting stubborn and frustrated. I've been making use of items I never remembered to use like the med-x, psycho, and frag mines. And I often run away from combat situations I probably won't survive rather than reloading my save over and over until I wipe out my enemies as efficiently as possible.

It doesn't make the GAME better, it makes the EXPERIENCE better (hence the title).
Here's my idea for my fellow PS3 owners.

1. Take your copy of FO3 to your local game store.
2. Exchange it for in-store credit.
3. Purchase Little Big Planet.
4. Insert your LBP disc into the PS3 console.
5. Enjoy.
Reminds me of my days getting better replay out of Deus Ex.

Here are some fun and similar suggestions to what I did with Deus Ex (albeit somewhat extreme)

1. Unarmed/Melee weapons ONLY
2. No stimpacks (optional: no meds/food of any kind)
3. No-death run through. Saves are acceptable for crash mitigation/sleep purposes only.
4. Don't change armor except as necessarily dictated by main story line, and then immediately revert back to starting armor.

All on very hard difficulty of course. Oh, and ignore the haters. FO3 is an awesome game.
How to make experience as enjoyable as possible:

Get high off weed.
<s>Start game.</s>
Avoid the jack of all trades characters that Beth's changes have made it so easy to make.

I am currently playing a small guns, repair/lockpick guy. I sell all big guns and energy weapons and won't touch the special weapons of that category either.

But basically like you said - make your own rules and stick to them.
A friend and I designed a challenge in Fallout 3 that was pretty fun. I suggest you play it, Lan-party style, with a few friends of yours. Every person plays through their game with a singular goal in mind:

Use the Rock-it Launcher to shoot a Teddy Bear at the Lincoln Statue in the Lincoln Memorial.


-You MUST blow up Megaton immediately. This means you must plan your character/use your first level to have 25 in Explosives. Additionally you must go to Megaton, talk to Burke, and start the explode-line. Optionally all players can 'start' the challenge at Tenpenny Tower when the explosion goes off.

-You MUST wear only the casual clothing found in the dresser in the Tenpenny Tower room. NO other armor, besides those two pieces, are allowed.

-You MAY NOT use Stimpacks for healing. Stimpacks may still be collected or sold. Keep in mind you can sleep on a bed to heal crippled limbs.

-You MAY save and reload your game as needed. A player, pushing ahead and using less loads generally moves faster anyway.

-(optional) All players play game on -Very Hard- difficulty

-Finally, you MUST kill ALL the people protecting the Lincoln Memorial. And you MUST use the Rock-it Launcher to do it.

Once all of these rules are satisfied, the first to shoot the statue with a Teddy bear from the Rock-it Launcher wins.
Traditional iron man games should work pretty well in Fo3, right?

Per said:
Traditional iron man games should work pretty well in Fo3, right?

It makes me sad that somebody at Beth approved the Rock-It launcher... dear god... what is game design coming to?
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
I love how the head-exploding blow was dealt by a wad of money.

It's poetic, isn't it.

Interplay's credibility was also killed in much the same way.
Get stoned before you play: Maybe your resulting stupefied musings/hallucinations can fill in the gaps in plot and story. Or maybe it will just deaden the pain.
Well the way i played:

-i maxed only first 3 tagged skills (and only 1 weapon speciality)
-no saves inside dungenons, vaults etc.
-dont use fast travel (i failed at this one, running around map is just 2 slow)
- I lie myself that special system in f3 actually makes a differance

it helped ... a lil
good idea, Makatak

basicaly comes down to making a game harder for yourselfs and ignoring bullshit/exploits

like: no bubbleheads, no pipboy during combat, no reloads (ironman-style), dont use stims (drink water/nuka), no cheesy/unique weapons

or try to roleplay (doh) : unarmed-only; pacifist (dont kill anyone)... what else?