Idoitic politics says game is drug

If I had the solution for all of our society's problems I wouldn't be as selfish as to keep it for myself. I'm just saying that making drugs illegal just deals with a symptom (and not very well at it, not to mention it creates a whole set of new problems) and not with the base problem, realizing that it's a start.
Gonzalez said:
If I had the solution for all of our society's problems I wouldn't be as selfish as to keep it for myself. I'm just saying that making drugs illegal just deals with a symptom (and not very well at it, not to mention it creates a whole set of new problems) and not with the base problem, realizing that it's a start.

One of the points I've tried to make so far. Thing is, it would seem that it isn't profitable to actually solve the problem, thus we get such little support from higher-ups.