If The Bomb Falls, A Recorded Guide To Survival

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
WFMU offers us an excellent time capsule from the 50s:<blockquote>It seems hard to believe and somewhat out of character for a budget label like Tops to have a release like "If The Bomb Falls" in their catalog lineup. Talk about a time capsule! Otis Fodder and I opened this one up together and were blown away by all of this record's contents: A book on how to build a "Family Fallout Shelter" by the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization, another book on "Home Protection Exercises", a pamphlet on the "Facts About Fallout Protection", and a card to remind you about "Civil Defense Preparedness" and what to do "When The Warning Sounds".</blockquote>If The Bomb Falls available in mp3 format on WFMU, also on the site is scans from the cover and additional pamphlets.

Link: If The Bomb Falls, A Recorded Guide To Survival on WFMU