If the zombie apocalypse actually happened, what weapon would you want to use?

What weapon would you choose in a zombie apoapocalypse?

  • AR-15

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • AK-47

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • Glock 19

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Remington 870

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • M1 Garand

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Revolver

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • UZI

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SPAS-12

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Humans: Assault rifle for battles. If trained in stealth and military, knife.

Zombie: Crossbow everytime.
Using a gun just brings more zombies to the party.
If I had to use one it'd be a backup, not a main thing.
So I guess the glock. Small, easy to use, large ammo capacity, if you have another magazine then you can just slide it in whereas with a revolver unless you have one of those second chamber thingies preloaded to switch out you'll be slowly reloading each bullet. All the other weapons are cumbersome and will get in the way.

I think the AK or shotguns would be the best in terms of damage though. Actual zombies begs the question of what part of the brain is the active part? Cause you might shoot one and the bullet doesn't hit the correct part of the brain. Could bounce around in the skull, could also just exit. An AK or a shotgun would cause enough damage to make certain you kill the zombie.

Personally I would use a meat tenderizer and a paint spraycan, this is obviously with proper zombies, not this ADHD sonic fetishists that think rage infected are zombies. Very carefully spray the zombie in the face to blind it, creep around it, slam down at the back of the head. Other useful items would be leather jacket (good luck biting through that), sew additional leather to the arms to let zombies bite in case one downs me, a very sharp large bowie knife to jam into the beck to hopefully slice the right part of the spinal cord to make it go limp and some good combat boots so that if a zombie falls down face first I can just stomp on its neck and crack the spine.
I'm a creature of habits, so I would use the same rifle I was issued when I did my army service.

A Portuguese made G3.
Nothing because unlike in movies, a zombie outbreak would be flattened in under 24 hours.
Nothing because unlike in movies, a zombie outbreak would be flattened in under 24 hours.
Reason why zombies spread is because of the unwillingness to pull the trigger. Either because you don't want to be responsible for murder or because you're worried about being thrown in prison or because you can't/won't accept that it is no longer who you used to know. I mean we have current global issues that should be dealt with that governments don't deal with because of politics, economics and a lack of coordinated effort for a united goal. So why would this be different? Allow it to spread enough and it'll start to become a problem too wide to deal with. People get infected and unless we're going with some zombie strain that turns you in seconds it will take days to turn, weeks for some and in all that time they can travel freely. There's also the problem of how it spreads. A zombie that falls into a water source, will the water you drink be contaminated? Will the fish be? Look at corona and how some people go around spitting in others faces, that too will happen. And once it becomes a very big global issue then where do you strike? We know what zombies are so we'd know "aim for the head" but people panic in potentially lethal encounters and don't think straight so that's an issue. The police/army will not allow militias to roam the streets so people will be held back from doing what needs to be done and those that do go out of their way to do what needs to be done is going to divert police/army personnel to catching you. There's also a part in World War Z, the book, where it details how the army could completely fuck up everything by trying to impress people with big weapons such as tanks and missiles and shit.

An outbreak doesn't happen in the snap of a moment, it is slow and drawn out, it spreads far too much before anyone knows what is going on or before the government in the country of origin wants to tell the rest of the world because, again, economics, politics, tourism, trade. And even if country A does do what needs to be done it doesn't matter much if country B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T doesn't.

If it is something like Resident Evil, where Raccoon City over night gets monstrified then yeah just nuke the place and then police state the surrounding areas to check every damn citizen rigorously for weeks and you'll prolly shut it down right quick. But if it is something like World War Z (the books) then we're fucked.
Nothing because unlike in movies, a zombie outbreak would be flattened in under 24 hours.

One of several reasons why 28 Days Later is one of the best zombie films. Its (naturally) a flash in the pan crisis that gets resolved within a few months. I haven't seen the sequel but I don't care to count it in the context of the OG film
One of several reasons why 28 Days Later is one of the best zombie films. Its (naturally) a flash in the pan crisis that gets resolved within a few months. I haven't seen the sequel but I don't care to count it in the context of the OG film
It's not a zombie film.
Zombies are corpses that walk around.
Rage Infected are living people on hyper-rabies.
I agree, it is better than 95% of zombie films.
Still not a zombie film though. :shrug:


If anything, calling it a zombie film is a disservice to it because of how good it is.
One of several reasons why 28 Days Later is one of the best zombie films. Its (naturally) a flash in the pan crisis that gets resolved within a few months. I haven't seen the sequel but I don't care to count it in the context of the OG film
28 Weeks Later is also good, and from my perspective even better than the original. I know this is heresy to some but, y'know.

It's consistently more tense, feels way more claustrophobic, and IMO overall has a way more personal plotline.

They do actually make good on the promise of the original and, for the first quarter of the film, actually show the aftermath of the events after the zombies starve to death, as well as what happened to survivors, and they have an incredibly believable premise for why the virus returns.

If you loved the original, definitely give it a watch.
Oyeah, 28 Weeks Later is pretty good but I don't think it is as good as the original.
It has some really amazing visuals though.
Absolutely worth a watch.

Also, another reason for why they aren't zombies, zombies don't starve to death. They'd rot apart or damage themselves from constant wear and tear since their bodies don't rebuild cells so eventually their muscles and tendons and whatever else would give out.
Plate armor or one of those K9 Unit bite suits, semi-automatic rifle, and a sanctuary with a retractable ladder. The whole package for btfoing dumbass zombies

I read the zombie survival guide when I was a teenager
Glock 19 simply because it's cool to have two of those on yah both hands! Plus a baseball bat with nails embedded at its head would be a close-range combat weapon best choice too!
Spikes are gonna get stuck in the skull.
Look at the machete kill in Dawn Of The Dead where another guy had to hold the zombie down while he pulled out the machete. Any bladed weapon might get stuck if you attack the skull. The neck on the other hand with a sword or something? That's good. But spikes in the cranium? That's bad.
Those airguns from Metro are more practical for zombie apocalypse. You can even chamber them incendiary stuff and still shoot silently.


Or just use blackmarket (only rumour but some disturbing report make it seem so real) microwave gun that can apparently cause brain damage. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/01/science/sonic-attack-cuba-microwave.html
Well, "silently". While an airgun might be subsonic, they can still be pretty loud, especially if they are to have enough power to penetrate skulls.
AK is the only correct answer if you need a gun.
Reliable beyond reason, lots of parts, powerful, intimidating if needed. On top of that, dressing to not get bitten by a half comatose human has to be one of the simplest possible things to prepare for. You'll want an AK for dealing with people.
AK is the only correct answer if you need a gun.
Reliable beyond reason, lots of parts, powerful, intimidating if needed. On top of that, dressing to not get bitten by a half comatose human has to be one of the simplest possible things to prepare for. You'll want an AK for dealing with people.

Are you saying that humanity was the real monster all along?