If they made BoS 2, what would you want in it?

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One thing for sure - Barret M82 A1 - this gun uses 0.50 BMG rounds and is best of the sniper rifles (you can shoot a guy at a 1800 m.)
>One thing for sure - Barret M82 A1 - this gun uses 0.50 BMG
>rounds and is best of the sniper rifles (you can shoot a guy
>at a 1800 m.)

No.... It is not consistent to the Fallout history...
I don't care if Microforte stuffed a buch of "kEwL" modern weapons in it, based suggestion from every zit Faced cs-kid who wants his favourite gun like the one above....

No go back, even in a Tactics game, and use the generic names that fitted the fallout games better, with a branched campaign it will be better to...
I'd like some actual Fallout in it.

Which means:

-No Counter-Shit weapons. Nothing arbitrarily from WWI or WWII, modern, etc.
-Some attention paid to the background story and setting.
-Some real tactics.
-Muiltiplayer that might be worth playing.
-Single-player that might be worth playing.
>I'd like some actual Fallout in it.
>Which means:
>-No Counter-Shit weapons. Nothing arbitrarily from WWI or
>WWII, modern, etc.
>-Some attention paid to the background story and setting.
>-Some real tactics.
>-Muiltiplayer that might be worth playing.
>-Single-player that might be worth playing.

Would you like coffee to go with that? }>
I want to see chicks in thongs, no way to role-play, and cool camera angles. Maybe even poorly done 3d graphics like they had in the original Quake.
>I want to see chicks in thongs, no way to role-play, and
>cool camera angles. Maybe even poorly done 3d graphics like
>they had in the original Quake.

KEWL!!! Only if they put in those miniguns with FRIKKIN COOL PARTICLE EFFECTS! (tm Killzig)