If this forum was Fallout..

i'd like to think i'd be someone like Killian Darkwater, but since i'm mostly disliked by the local authorities i've got to face the fact i'd most likely be Gizmo.

another possibility would be the leader of the 'banished' ghouls underneath Necropolis.
I'd be one of the enclave, one of the countless hundreds uselessly asking if the alarms on the oil rig were a drill or not.
I would have to be the one dog who just sits there behind the cathedral, patiently waiting for its master.
Uh... you are aware that its a female dog (If you happen to be female, please take offence as I am a budding mysogymist.) and the other part being the whole vapourization in a nuclear blast and such.
Argonnot said:
Uh... you are aware that its a female dog (If you happen to be female, please take offence as I am a budding mysogymist.) and the other part being the whole vapourization in a nuclear blast and such.

I'm sure that you meant misogynist
Alright, I'll participate in this thread. If NMA were actually fallout.. I'd Probably be Cabbot, The guard standing out in front of The Brotherhood.
ooo, I get to be the crazy President.
Hmm... he was simultaneously an a sad attempt at adding in a malevolent "Master-like" NPC and a pathetic, one-dimensional parody of a character who had no real importance even in the limited narrative there was. Fitting.

In any case... if NMA can find it in the core of the collective gem of hatred to forgive the sin of being a talking Deathclaw (Rosh doesn't count), the character I'm most like is Goris. Though unlike him, I'd have asked the Chosen One for the Bridgekeeper's Robes. And actually kept them on instead of flinging the inhibitions to the wind every time combat was initiated. None of that "Oh, I do believe there are people shooting at me. In a fit of tactical brilliance, I will shed something I should be using to enhance my natural armor!" nonsense.

I must say though, I DO have rather lovely grey scales. It would almost be worth it for that strange effect where the whole world freezes just to bask in the glory of my sheer animal magnetism. But alas, the purple of the robes pairs together much better with my glowing yellow eyes. A bit of a shame.
Oh I know something completely different for Rosh!

The Bastard Operator of Vault 13!!


Mikael Grizzly said:
We are legion. We are going to gang up on you and rape your cat.


I'd say I'm no one important, 'cept maybe a nuka-cola addict.
Since in real life I drink 2-4 liters of Dr. Pepper/Mountain Dew a day.
LinksBoxers said:
I'd say I'm no one important, 'cept maybe a nuka-cola addict.
Since in real life I drink 2-4 liters of Dr. Pepper/Mountain Dew a day.
so you're the guy at the Razors/Blades?
Peoples, the thread is about comparing forum roles to Fallout characters, not our real life roles which are unknowable to all and thus of no interest or consequence whatsoever. I'm sure there's a spam thread about that as well.

For instance, since I'm a medium-to-high-profile good-aligned law enforcer, I'd probably be Deputy Fry or Talus. That has absolutely no significance whatsoever.