If you could be anything or anyone in Fallout, what would it be?

A Brotherhood of Steel Paladin, human, searching for technology, securing it, and making a good use of it. The BoS are the only ones who gets the job done, while the other groups are too busy with politics and self expantion killing each other.
I'd be happy as a subject, or however you'd describe it, living under Caesar (not a member of the actual Legion itself).

Plenty of food, water, and power to go around and I get to live safely and comfortably provided I stay out of the Legion's way, which doesn't sound too difficult.

In a word: obey.
A Brotherhood of Steel Paladin, human, searching for technology, securing it, and making a good use of it. The BoS are the only ones who gets the job done, while the other groups are too busy with politics and self expantion killing each other.

That's my lad! Brotherhood of Steel for the win!