If you could live forever if - poll

If you could live for ever by saving your mind and sense of self to a computer, would you do it?

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Yes. But that would be a copy of me anyway.

If my mind was duplicated in the memory of the computer, would be there 2 of my souls?

Anyway, scientists are already working on making life as long as possible by research on cancer and other stuff.
I think I'll be still alive when they're done.
Lost For Life said:
Can you even begin to comprehend the immense boredom of looking at and reading the same thing for all of eternity?
If you were stored on a computer, then you could just format parts of your memory.
Then, presto! all would be new again!

I'd say "Yes" as I've no idea what happens after death, and it'd scare the shit out of me to just disappear.
Rohan said:
Yes. But that would be a copy of me anyway.

If my mind was duplicated in the memory of the computer, would be there 2 of my souls?
It might be that the stored version is justyour brain patterns, not your mind/soul. I wonder if there is a way to transfer those to AI. Or if there's a way to verify that you have.
You could program yourself to erase the last ten minutes of your memory, every ten minutes, unless something notable happens. That way you could spend immense amounts of time without getting bored. Or you could read a book or play a game, then erase the experience and have the experience again. If there was a standard format, you could record experiences and share them among other people.

Besides, you would have a realistic chance to explore the Universe, have your mind integrated into a space ship (without any of the bulky life support equipment) and lose the barrier of time for space travel.
welsh said:
Imagine that it was possible to allow your mind and sense of self to survive even after your body wasted away. Thus it would be possible to store your memories, experience and sense of self on a computer or other electronic medium in a way that allowed you to continue to interact with others. If this was possible, would you do it?

I would do it. If I was going to die I would store my memories on a computer. But I think I was going to get crazy like the robots in Robocop 2. I don't think there is a machine that are going to simulate our 5 senses in the near future (matrix) and I can't imagine myself living without touch, smell and taste.

Anyway if I was just a brain in a vat I would do it.

Heck no, i want a shiny gravestone in golgotha that says: Here lies the wildest outlaw this wastes have ever seen.-

Now that's worth dying for, role model :D
You can still have a nice grave for your body if you wanted...Your mind would just be wandering the internet looking at porn.
ExtremeRyno said:
You can still have a nice grave for your body if you wanted...Your mind would just be wandering the internet looking at porn.
Would porn still interest you without the necessary equipment? (I mean the hormones more than the genitals)
ExtremeRyno said:
You can still have a nice grave for your body if you wanted...Your mind would just be wandering the internet looking at porn.

Yes but i won't be dead, i'd be something like Skynet, wanting to rule de world and then people would remember me like the big bad computer who ruled the world instead of the wildest outlaw :S