If you could rule any country for a month, what would it be?

Controlling china would be great, more people to mess with. :lol:
I'd take over the US, Annex Britain as a 51st state, if only to keep it away from the frogs *cough* I mean the bastards *cough* I mean France.

I'd make little changes here and there, merging all the good ideas from both countries, add a few ideas of my own and find that after I've managed to solve the problem of health care, education and what not I'd be re-elected... gee.. then I'd have 4 years to show the rest of the world what happens if they try to start shit with a Darkfox run superpower...

Imagine.... U.S. Armed forces learning to actually fight like the English Army... then you'd have guns AND the skill not to shoot each other to bits :lol:
I'd pick the Duchy of Grand Fenwick. During my month in power I would declare war on the US in order to reap the "fruits of defeat"...

I'd rather take over Ontario then just Canada.

Then I could make Thunder Bay the capital of Ontario, instead of Toronto - teach them torontonians a little lesson.
I could also fix the little law that meant I had to write three exams in every subject in grade 12, give my university, and specifically the Facutly of Engineering (instead of all this med school crap), more funding, and get the govenment to stop ignoring Ottawa.

Then id annex Manitoba, and take over all their natural resources, with all, like, three of it's residents, and then Quebec, and fix all their silly "French is better" laws, capitalize on both of their local cultures since Ontario doesn't have any, and expand until I eventually was in charge of all of Canada except for BC and the Yukon.

BC, the Yukon, California and Alaska would join together and become their own country, like they should have a long time ago, and I would be in charge of all the good parts of Canada. Then I'd make sure Ottawa was still the national capital.
toresica said:
*looks back* Hey, I only wrote annex once.

Yes, but you used lots of synonyms like "take over"...er...okay, I admit I took some poetic license w/your post. :oops:

quietfanatic said:
China is too corrupt and is effectively run by the businessmen.

I thought that was a pre-requisite for becoming a super-power.

Now when you say 'rule', are we constrained by the laws of the nation or are do we get to be king for a month?
Ugly John said:
Anything you want Gwidion!

Board cop nazi style, no pyramid posts :P and all.

There's a 'y' in my name in place of that first 'i'. Leave it out again and your ass is so banned... :violent:
Heh, that's nothing.

John, I thought Gwyd was a chick for the LONGEST time. Man, I wasted so much time dropping subtle lines on her...er...him.
I take over Samoa or some South Pacific Isand and start to build the economy on exporting drugs to neiboring countries and across the Pacific, along with being the worlds #1 vacation hotspot...yeah!
I'd take over Puerto Rico, kick out all the puerto ricans and make it my own private island.
Three choices for me. Italy, so I can get all the Ferraris and Lamborghinis for me. The U.S., so I can annex Canada. And last, but not least, Saudi Arabia, so I can get all the oil for my Ferraris and Lamborghinis.
I would choose my country, Romania!
1. Mass executions of all corrupt officials.
2. Alcohol and smokes will no longer be considered luxuries, but necessities, thus a radical price drop.
3. Legalize pot and prostitution! Making them illegal only makes them more tempting for the general public.
4. Serious reform of eduction and healthcare systems.
5. Create a draconic set of laws and enforce it! (the stuff mentioned in points 2 and 3 would still be legal)
Get all 22 mil. lazy SOBs that form the population to actually work.
6. Proclaim myself leader of the country for life, of course!
7. Give America the finger if they come to me advocating that democracy bull.
8. Do anything that strikes my fancy. :twisted: