If you had the money, would you help F3?


First time out of the vault
Im not sure if this has been posted.. But if you were a rich man, would u contact interplay and forward money to them to finish f3? Since you would be a large invester now, what would YOU do about the game? What would u add in the gameplay and storyline?

Just a thought
I would have given them the money, and then i would have let them work it out theirselves, like Nutcase and welsh wrote!
I wouldn't do anything of the sort.

First off, I would buy Interplay and all its assets, including Black Isle. Then, I would sack the Caen's and all the other assholes there. Then, I would reinstate anyone who wanted to come back to work on quality PC RPGs. Then I would put the majority of support into creating Fallout 3, followed by work on Baldur's Gate 3.
I would purchase the intellectual property from IPLY for a couple of millions of dollars (I don't care how overpriced it is, I want that license). Then I would found my own company (Ratty Studios) and start gathering employees. I would get Tim Cain, Chris Taylor, Dave Hendee, Chris Avellone, Josh Sawyer and all the other former BIS employees who worked on Fallout and Torment, no matter how much money they ask. The remainder dough (if there is any left after all those purchases...) would go into financing the project itself. Provided Fallout 3 is successful, we'd also develop a D&D game (only this time it would a turn-based role playing game , not a real-time strategy with stats and equippable items like Baldur's Gate). After that... probably another Planescape game or something completely new and different.

Ah... dreams are always nice, even when they can never come true...
The only way I'll help Fallout 3 with my money is if I read good reviews of it and decide to buy it. You know why? Because I'm not STUPID.
I agree with APTYP on this one, but on a sidenote:

If I were a really rich man, I don't think I'd be playing Fallout any longer. Hell no, I'd be playing with the dames instead.
So you know what? I would most probably buy a brothel with some class A prostitutes -- which isn't too different from buying up IPLY, now is it? :lol:
If I was rich, I'd buy the IP rights to the FO universe, and sell it to Sierra for a slight profit, on the condition that Troika got the call to do FO3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30-31-32-33-34-35.............

You get the idea.
[3PD said:
PsychoSniper] on the condition that Troika got the call to do FO3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30-31-32-33-34-35.............
You get the idea.
You don't think the series would be a little stale by then?

But, as alec says, if you were rich, I'm sure you'd find other things to do with your time.
alec said:
If I were a really rich man, I don't think I'd be playing Fallout any longer. Hell no, I'd be playing with the dames instead.
So you know what? I would most probably buy a brothel with some class A prostitutes -- which isn't too different from buying up IPLY, now is it?

Bah, the sansara gets boring after a while.
if you were a rich man, would u contact interplay and forward money to them to finish f3?

No. I would invest my money in something else. Like google. I know. I'm a fucking capitalist pig. Oinc. Oinc.
id do the same as Ratty, with one addition; id read through the whole FO3 suggestions and ideas forum....allthough that is maybe obvius.....
Only a complete idiot would give more money to Interplay, even with the express agreement that they would use the funds to create Fallout 3. If you simply gave them money, they would use it to create sure-thing console action titles, which is the equilievent of using your money to feed a bonfire. Even if they made Fallout 3, it would be a pale shadow, without the original talent and incompetent management of Interplay.

What's there to say? Form a dream team, drawing from the several companies the talent behind the original Fallout and Planescape: Torment drifted to. Create a new studio, and finance it. End of story.

Just about what everyone else has said. There's not really all that much point to the question.
Assuming that I had a few million ... well, let's just say Fallout wouldn't be the only game liscence I'd be buying away. Couple it with King's Quest, Quest for Glory, and System Shock. Then go hiring for people I know can write good games - ie, anyone I can get from Black Isle and Looking Glass Studios. Invest the rest to pay for keeping all of these people on staff, and hopefully reaquint the casual gamer with what I consider REAL games.
I would share the wealth

Assuming that I had several million in disposable cash laying around. I would invest it in all the fanbased projects currenlty in existence. That way instead of just 1 beloved game that I must wait years upon years to be developed, I could have 4-5 (2-3 maybe) that I could enjoy. Whomever made the most successful game with game mechanics that were close to Fallout, I would take that revenue and then purchase the license knowing that I had a team that knew what the heck they were doing to run with it.
Maybe I should start buying lotto tickets now....
if i was someone like bill gates id restart interplay through millions at them hire back all the original staff no matter what they wanted in return and let them get on with it!