IGN previews Fallout: New Vegas


The IGN has recently published a preview of Fallout: New Vegas, based on an hour-long play session. The author got to explore the outskirts of New Vegas, right outside the Strip. Here's a quote:<blockquote>Ahead, a series of bright lights that spelled out "Welcome to the Strip." To the left, a series of crumbling buildings, left to the elements on the outskirts of the city. All I had to do was walk forward and head through a gate and I'd be on the Strip. And that's when I ran into a problem. You can't just waltz into downtown New Vegas. You can try, but you'll end up dead.

The outskirts of New Vegas are kept in order by several competing factions. There's the Freeside Gang out on the streets, largely kept under control by the stronger Kings, who it seems are at odds with the New California Republic. And to top it all off, the Followers, who camp out in the Old Las Vegas Mormon Historic Park, are trying to get the entire population off of booze and drugs.</blockquote>
Link: IGN Fallout: New Vegas preview
"The portion of the game I played frequently had issues with maintaining a stable framerate, and the AI quite often had problems quickly finding the best path while moving."

I really hope they fix that in the remaining time, this was what annoyed me most at FO3.
IGN said:
I did end up finding the greatest thing ever during my adventures. The head of the Kings faction has a pet dog. Or, he had a pet dog. Now he has a robo-puppy with a dog's brain sitting in a jar on its head. It looks absolutely hilarious.

So, who wants to bet you can recruit the robotic dog if you kill its boss?
I also bet it's called K-9.
I would go with that assumption. Even if it's not called K-9, it just screams like a possible companion.
Lexx said:
I would go with that assumption. Even if it's not called K-9, it just screams like a possible companion.

Oh, I hope it is. And I also hope there isn't another Dogmeat in the game, never understood the fascination with that dog.

EDIT : As for the framerate, I'd certainly like Obsidian to fix that but considering their track record... Let's just say I would be more than satisfied if the game was as stable as Fallout 3 on the PC.
jero cvmi said:
So, who wants to bet you can recruit the robotic dog if you kill its boss?

But does it talk? unless the thing is able to spout pseudo-philosophical musings i'm not falling for it. :P

IGN said:
Running around in a pinstripe suit with a cowboy hat and boxing gloves is just plain funny.

I found a funny response to that article on IGN.

(wasn't hard to find it it was the last one posted :))

If the game gets a rating of 8.5 or less, Im not going to be happy and Osidian should be left in the gutter to rot! Im just worried that Bethesda have left Obsidian to do there own thing on a few gudlines Bethesda set out.

Kids these days!
We got it in some thread already some time ago. People are just idiots, because of whatever random reason, every game that is not 8+ on score is handled as if it's crap, bogus, bullshit, junk, filthy cancer and not worth playing. Things like this make me clear, that the games industry is more worse than the movie industry.
WorstUsernameEver said:
Lexx said:
I would go with that assumption. Even if it's not called K-9, it just screams like a possible companion.

Oh, I hope it is. And I also hope there isn't another Dogmeat in the game, never understood the fascination with that dog.


(the not liking Dogmeat part, not the not wanting him in this game part)
Lexx said:
We got it in some thread already some time ago. People are just idiots, because of whatever random reason, every game that is not 8+ on score is handled as if it's crap, bogus, bullshit, junk, filthy cancer and not worth playing. Things like this make me clear, that the games industry is more worse than the movie industry.

Not idiots. Just young. Below 20. And pretty much ignorant. And instant gratification mentality. And they were fed with a same bullshit by media and commercials. And they don't know for anything better. And other things that others can add to this I'm sure...

Problem is [imo] that we are put in same box with this kind of young consumers. There is no separation. 18+ label should be enough to suggest that it's mature content, but no, producers are trying to enlarge the base of consumers, so now there is nearly no distinction between "M" and "T" games... Distinction was come to be are there nipples or not. Or did someone shout "Fuck" in a game... Needless to say: ridiculous, but we are where we are. I once thought that ratings should be abolished, but now I think that it should be mandatory and harshly enforced. Only that way something serious would come out of this industry... But then again, maybe not, there is self-regulatory effects of the market, so...who knows.

As for Marcus, and preview, same old same; we are fed with screenshots as it represents quality of the game, and left to bicker about how true to original Marcus is or isn't, as if that matters at all.

These bits and pieces of info is a same shit as Beth's F3 was made... Judging by that criteria, how real world feels was omitted – but running in fedora was fun.

Funny. And sad for someone who want a lot more then to watch interactive wallpaper. And that notion that hardcore players are only those who do not like present state of gaming industry! Man, that is idiotic, not those poor sods...

But, I generally liked what I saw ;)
I like the general feel of the preview, it's a decent, competent job at giving a rundown of what the previewer did and how did the game react to it, without too much personal bias imposed on it.
[url=http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2010-08-13-fallout-new-vegas-hands-on?page=3 said:
eurogamer preview[/url]]with 10 minutes of our allotted hour remaining we go a bit Natural Born Killer and try to wax King and his entourage, then perhaps make off with his beleagured mutt Rex as a companion, as one of our neighbours in the Bethesda press area appears to have done.
eh, i got 1 out of 2 there.
I don't remember FO3 having (on 360)frame rate issues,was this pre patch? Anyway,my only fear with the game , really is more bugs than FO3. This is why I didn't pre order! :(
sampson70 said:
I don't remember FO3 having (on 360)frame rate issues,was this pre patch? Anyway,my only fear with the game , really is more bugs than FO3. This is why I didn't pre order! :(

I had no issues but a friend of mine had a lot of FPS problems. Completely unplayable rates on a very capable system.
Bonsai72 said:
"The portion of the game I played frequently had issues with maintaining a stable framerate, and the AI quite often had problems quickly finding the best path while moving."

I really hope they fix that in the remaining time, this was what annoyed me most at FO3.

radiant AI anyone?

