IGN UK reviews Fallout 3


This ghoul has seen it all
Staff member
IGN UK has reviewed Fallout 3, giving it an 8.8/10.

The review notes quite a few problems with the game, but ultimately decides it is still a must-buy title.
Although this is an RPG and that’s an FPS, Bioshock ends up being the best comparison. Not so much because there seems some definite cross-pollination of ideas and style, but rather because it’s the big Christmas action game with brains and choices, and with an interest in constructing a refreshingly different world from all those austere near-future manshoots that clog up the shelves. In many respects, it’s a far better game than Bioshock, most of all because you get the endless choice that promised but didn’t deliver. So it’s tragic that the often awful production values make a fool of it so regularly. Whenever you’re really settling into the game and thinking what a wonderful world it is, it goes and does something incredibly stupid and clumsy, and the whole illusion shatters. It’s a truly fabulous RPG in so many ways, but we desperately wish Bethesda had saved the money they burned on unnecessarily hiring Liam Neeson and Malcom McDowell to voice a couple of key characters, and spent it instead on more actors, rehearsals, better script-writers and animators, another proof-reader… Clearly, it’s one of the must-buy games of the year, and it’ll prove impossible not to lose yourself to it for a good couple of dozen hours. If only Bethesda could escape their own bad habits and sloppiness though – then it would have been one of the must-buy games of the decade.</blockquote>
3 pages of quite a few negative comments, yet they give it an 8.8.

The hypocrisy of these "reviewers" is infuriating.
but we desperately wish Bethesda had saved the money they burned on unnecessarily hiring Liam Neeson and Malcom McDowell to voice a couple of key characters, and spent it instead on more actors, rehearsals, better script-writers and animators

Something original from a gaming journalist? It almost seems that i'm hallucinating, did they really mention some of the games flaws in the actual review? :clap:
Couldn't agree more with the "aweful production values". Couple that with a forgettable design and you have Fallout 3.
I'm hoping for the snowball effect. Didn't they say that there was a patch available at release?
Having read the article, i can only scratch my head.... They say it carried over all the oblivion flaws and even more and then give it an 8.8? WHAT? When did they changed their rating system from 1-10 to 5-10?

Then again, i guess it's better than all the 9.6 and 10 scores coming ahead :dance:
You tube doesn't work here at work :( But even that first one is retarded, Idiot NPCs FTW!
The game was just released and there are already videos like these...It's depressing but it does not even surprise me anymore.
Sicblades said:
You tube doesn't work here at work :( But even that first one is retarded, Idiot NPCs FTW!

Second one essentially showed that it took over 32 shots to the head to kill the PERSON.
Pope Viper said:
Second one essentially showed that it took over 32 shots to the head to kill the PERSON.

You forgot to mention the other guy who at some point just ran away from the battle and let himself be shot to death.
I published that movies on polish game forum - that forum ranking that game almost 10/10 few moments later got that admin replay

Malcollm_x ---> warning - do not know for what

Movie comment.

Old destroyed weapon
The weakest wepon in the game
no perk for shooting
Need only to hide from that distance u can probably kill that mob in one shoot
Weapon equipment can be change by prees proper button in keybord in one second

Yours enemy is a karawan guardsman that guy is not a person with u fght in the game so he is the strongest NPC in the game

Hoever u can kill him easly using a snipe rifle - from hiding in the head - from far distance

Summry : shame on that who made that movie and shame on that persons who belived in this movies...;)

Sorry for that translation im not as good in english as u guys..:)
But watch out that Youtube movie is worth to do it
Eurogamer thinks the game is teh awesome!!! As in 10/10.

Despite so many worries, Fallout 3 almost effortlessly succeeds in its central aim of reviving a much-loved brand to appeal to the vast majority of players. It's a thrilling, all-consuming experience that will absorb you for weeks, whether you're attracted by the action, the adventure, or the role-playing, as you fall in love with the relentless excitement, incredible atmosphere, sense of place and sheer choice.

Bethesda has once again delivered a game of life-affirming brilliance that will be heralded as a classic, and talked about for years to come.
IGN UK said:
but we desperately wish Bethesda had saved the money they burned on unnecessarily hiring Liam Neeson and Malcom McDowell to voice a couple of key characters, and spent it instead on more actors, rehearsals, better script-writers and animators, another proof-reader… Clearly, it’s one of the must-buy games of the year, and it’ll prove impossible not to lose yourself to it for a good couple of dozen hours. If only Bethesda could escape their own bad habits and sloppiness though – then it would have been one of the must-buy games of the decade.</blockquote>

you know...Bethesda are so incredibly brilliant at dodging questions about their mistakes instead of owning them and admitting them...i wonder if they, if approached, would ever admit that they fucked up and need to focus their efforts into these areas. or...y'know, screw it. don't admit it. just FIX it. the baby steps they've taken from the ridiculously inane wiki-dialogue to the pitiful dialogue tree choices we've seen thus far...i mean, really? it took years to advance from "banal" to "barely acceptable"?

this has been something that (before i got the boot) i had been constantly wondering out loud about, amongst other things, at their official forums. and every damn time the responses were so goddamn smug and self-assured (the fucking cunts). i hope we see a LOT more honest reviewing going on instead of all the fan-boi kiddie-fodder we've been pummeled with.