Bugeisha said:
That's Fallout 2 utilities... since I'm trying to mod Fallout 2, that seems like the place they should be, don't you think?
How about the one called "Fallout Modding", as, guess what, there would be utilities that would be of use to one or more of the games?
And you know what, I realize, I don't care if it fits in perfectly with Fallout's setting... Why the heck do you care?
Let's see...you're posting this on a forum, which is open for input unless someone decides to go for the absurd ideas indicative of mind candy or sniffing at one too many questionable mangas, at which someone will remark about it.
And I wasn't saying anything about how popular they are in California... I was saying, that, some would've survived the blast... Why does it even matter?
At this, you've displayed that you have entirely no clue as to what Fallout's setting is.
Also, people are making well made combat knives, and some people use melee weapons soley, don't you think that some bright-eyed genius would decide to make swords?
Straw man argument, shithead. Swords != Katana. Learn what one is before you rattle your brain's masturbations off. I have a good tempting to snap a bokken off in your ass for being the typical white ninja.
To further point it out since you seem a little slow on the uptake - swords made in the post-apocalyptic world would hardly be katanas, they would likely be scrapped and salvaged pieces of machinery. Axes would be a far more common weapon to make, and is much easier to use for the untrained. Katanas in pre-60's weren't something commonly sold at your local Chinese peddler shop. Kids like you forget that Japan and its culture weren't exactly cherished and fanboyed over then as it is now.
Wait, this should have tipped me off earlier.
Another idea I had was a black leather samurai outfit....
Black leather samurai outfits? Now I know for
certain you are white trash ninja.
Geez... why do you people even come into this thread? If you don't want to help, and you don't like the idea, then just stay out of this topic....
This could end real fast, but I doubt you'd enjoy that outcome much.
EDIT: What the hell, I'll get the other post, too.
Actually, it fits in quite well. It's a katana. This might suprise you, but there are martial arts stores all over california, and the united states, that contain katanas. Also, there are spears, knives, sledgehammers, and even freaking wakizashi blades in Fallout2, so I hardly see why katanas wouldn't fit into Fallout 2. And this might also suprise you, but that's not because I'm lacking the intelligence to understand that, it's because I can't understand absurd logic and things that don't make any sense.
Well, aside from the time period the fiction was designed to borrow heavily from, it's another straw man argument to point out the other weapons. Those were common to the world outside of your clueless Japanophile ass. Wakizashi's are favored by the Yakuza mainly because of being able to hide them much easier and you're often in close quarters in Japan. Well, Japan of the time when the Yakuza was ripped from, which was a modern influence into the design and even you should be able to figure out that the Yakuza didn't really fit into Fallout's universe entirely and should be treated as a brief occlusion event based upon the insanity in some developer's mind.
Have you ever even looked in the utilities section of the downloads on this site?
There's the most stupid statement you've made so far.
I have the download section bookmarked, and I checked that before I even posted.
And as far as being clued in goes, allow me to clue you into something. I have something called "56k dial-up" In case you didn't know, it's slow, as in, a turtle, who's crippled in all four legs, has palsy, and is encased in concrete. So, if I can get somebody to give me the common courtesy of posting a link that they have, perhaps in their bookmarks, then I do that first. You might also notice, I didn't ask you.
Stow the excuses, you wheedling little puddle of piss. There's plenty of people who have 56k and this site isn't that heavy to download. In fact, browsing the forums is no different from browsing the files section. In addition, posting sometimes takes much longer than mere browsing.
Try a bit harder on your excuses, liar.
And about wanting help on my mod, I am asking somebody to do whatever coding or such is necessary, and starting me out, and I'm planning on editing dozens, perhaps hundreds of images in Friggin' mspaint, for a game that is made mostly out of sprites. That's not asking somebody to make a mod for me, FYI.
In part, yes it is. In fact, you didn't even say that you wanted someone to do the coding for you before now. Yet, people were willing to help and give you a good bit of help, but you couldn't even do anything with that, after they couldn't have made it any more clear for you. What kind of moron do you have to be to fail with that kind of help? The fellow did everything but code it for you, after the help, you should have figured out to look for these things on your own, especially at a place in which you've lied to claim you've already looked.
I think your laziness to do any work for yourself is evident mainly in how you ask people how to find the obvious, try to cover it up with lies later on, and then on top of that you now say you want someone to do the coding for you as well. I have a lot more respect for the real modders than to allow them to get railroaded into what is undoubtedly vaporware. People around here can often detect that brand of bullshit a mile away as well.
If you spent a little less time making up excuses and a bit more time looking and learning, then you wouldn't be such a spectacular example of the shit sediment of the youth caste.
One last thing. What the hell do you have against n00bs? We all have to start somewhere, and if we have to leap through everybody's flames just to do that, it's a lot harder.
Nice try, but being a newbie is no excuse for acting like a lazy waste of air. You were told what to look for and you then asked where they were, making you into a liar
after the fact when you tried to bullshit me. Unfortunately for you, you were too stupid to understand that the rest of the thread is still here. Therefore it is
obvious that you're lying to me.
So far, you've done more time asking people to do every bit of work for you and making up excuses versus looking for yourself and finding what could be found in less than five minutes, no matter what your connection.
You are truly a pathetic example of humanity, but to have the good, there must be the insipid to provide an example of what not to do. Stay in Wyoming.