I'm atleast gonna rent it

i wont buy a bloody XBOX, ever.

PC rules.


And God i hate Microsoft for its bastardation of the MechWarrior action sim series into another "shoot em up console action game" shit called MechAssault. Pity that Interplay is following MS footsteps for trying to turn an RPG into another "cpnsole action" game.

I don't know for ten bucks you could buy the FO 1/2 duel jewl and berry it in a time capsule to preserve the goodness for future generations, I think I'd get more joy out of that then buying a game just to see how crappy it is, but then I suppose you could put POS in a time canister too as a shining example of what not to do with a franchise.
I'll rent the game, then i'll piss on it. If a game i rent is really crappy i'll wipe my fingers all over it and make it really dirty.
syko said:
I'll rent the game, then i'll piss on it. If a game i rent is really crappy i'll wipe my fingers all over it and make it really dirty.

And introduce it to the heater.