I'm curious so I'm asking.

.... That is a matter for the sneeze fettish boards....

We are here on a RESPECTABLE board... And thus should behave accordingly...

that being said... I'm shure there was a board pic that showed all of those who took part in that black-op....
Lady Ronin Wrote
I hate giving my fellow blondes a bad name


Massachusetts. But it is such a LONG name for a state... so we just call it Mass.

Since you are from my area, If I didn't know any better, judging by your website and your posts, I'd say I knew you. But I know better. Nice to know someone's in my area, though... And for reference I'm not female, if you were wondering.
Prudence & Roadrunner @ the RP forum are girls (Zoe of course too, but she has been mentioned before)

maybe some more although i'm not certain about another, so i wont include it just yet ;-)
There aren't that many girls here are there? Even inspite of the violence, I'd assume there would be alot more. But then again, I find it hard to believe that there aren't more guys playing Fallout and visiting NMA (although there are many). Then I remember that too many people are stoopid hack 'n slash lovers. Maybe one day they will see the light of Fallout.
I am thinking... maybe not so many girls join up on the boards.

Maybe... hey women are supposedly one of the top groups of players. Or top growing... or anyway.

I feel mighty outnumbered.

And Lord 342. Nice to see someone from Mass... but no, I don't think we know eachother IRL...

Though if you do some FFRP, you may know me from one of those rooms.

I use to haunt the GDI, back before it went all crazy... now I stay away cause ... well I got use to staying away.

Use to hang in Haldor too...

but now I mostly don't hang anywhere particular.
Well, FYI Lady Ronin, I have a friend (Not the one you remind me of) who'd be on these boards if not for the fact that her computer is dead right now... Very, very dead.

Never had anything to do with FFRP (To be honest, I had to look it up to see what it was).

I love your Sig line, though. I added it to a huge file of sigs/taglines I picked up someplace and started adding on to. For a while mine was out of that file, but then I decided to be more original. Just wish there was a more elegant solution to ASCII-art in the sig...