First time out of the vault

DOF_power said:Apparently for the new comers/buyers/fans Fallout 3 is
GTA meets WOW: Post-Apocalyptic America .
I'd throw COD4 in there just to be fair, but yeah, that's what it is.
DOF_power said:Apparently for the new comers/buyers/fans Fallout 3 is
GTA meets WOW: Post-Apocalyptic America .
Tapakidney said:Nullifidian said:I really don't understand why there are so many haters. This game is preposterously awesome.
There aren't "so many". There are a select few, who mostly hang out at this website, who just expect and desire more from their games than the average masses. Maybe leave us alone and people like you can go to the countless other websites that applaud Fallout 3's OMGREATNESS. Hey, then you'll be in good company.
In other words, go away.
krysalist said:Tapakidney said:Nullifidian said:I really don't understand why there are so many haters. This game is preposterously awesome.
There aren't "so many". There are a select few, who mostly hang out at this website, who just expect and desire more from their games than the average masses. Maybe leave us alone and people like you can go to the countless other websites that applaud Fallout 3's OMGREATNESS. Hey, then you'll be in good company.
In other words, go away.
Sounds like someone is scared to debate Fallout 3's awesomeness! I see a mind changing in process. When you're ready to accept F03's excellence, just let us know. We'll help you deal with it.
Tapakidney said:Nullifidian said:I really don't understand why there are so many haters. This game is preposterously awesome.
There aren't "so many". There are a select few, who mostly hang out at this website, who just expect and desire more from their games than the average masses. Maybe leave us alone and people like you can go to the countless other websites that applaud Fallout 3's OMGREATNESS. Hey, then you'll be in good company.
In other words, go away.
Well, the skills do affect your accuracy. What I said, however, is that your character skill deficiencies aren't very apparent because of the crazy rate of fire you can achieve by FPSing targets down. You can VATS for "safe" shots due to taking less damage from enemy fire, and then you can fire in FPS mode 10 shots from a pistol during the time it takes an enemy to shoot 10 shots from a MINIGUN. With a higher ROF, you can make up for your many, many misses.Erny said:Mapex layed it out well
your char skill doesnt even affect the accuaracy of weapons in realtime, only the damage (and even that by not much!)
I just killed 10 mutants/brutes simply spraying them with ranger`s minigun in real time. Guess what? My BigGuns skill is 19... Not FPS?
Iv read guys trying to play FO3 as a ninja charachter sneak/unarmed/melee. So far so-bad: sneak isnt effective and most of the time they have to circle-strafe enemies in realtime slashing them in the back. RPG?
Now Im really interested if this game can be played UNLIKE action/FPS: build up a sneaky charachter and avoid combat as much as you can. I suppose you cant have a 0 in the 'killed creatures' stat, but still interesting to try such approach
betamonkey said:Your character skill most certainly affects your accuracy in real time. A lot.
It's this kind of talk that makes it hard to take things seriously because it sounds very much like people are speaking with no experience.
There is a huge difference in 40 and 80 small guns skill with even the most basic hunting rifle.
And that bit about sneak is completely wrong as well. Maybe try not to take everything you 'read' at face value.
Oh, except Fallout 3 reviews.![]()
Buxbaum666 said:Lighting? There are no shadows, how am I supposed to use them to sneak by an enemy?
squinty said:Oh and dont forget to turn your pip boy light off.
Yeah, I guess. But are you sure that lighting has an impact on sneaking other than that? I kinda doubt it.squinty said:Sneaking by enemies at night is naturally easier.
Buxbaum666 said:Yeah, I guess. But are you sure that lighting has an impact on sneaking other than that? I kinda doubt it.squinty said:Sneaking by enemies at night is naturally easier.
betamonkey said:Buxbaum666 said:Yeah, I guess. But are you sure that lighting has an impact on sneaking other than that? I kinda doubt it.squinty said:Sneaking by enemies at night is naturally easier.
Well, doubt all you wish.. but it's true. Sneaking depends heavily on environmental factors. You won't just "sneak run" up behind someone in broad daylight while wearing power armor.
And yes, your pip-boy radio can give you away as well. Sound is just as important. Kick over a bottle while sneaking and you might alert someone.
betamonkey said:And you used a minigun.. of course if you unload a lot of bullets some will hit. I'd say that's slightly more tolerable than the opposite and shooting 50 bullets and none hitting.
But that's a debate for realism vs. gameplay and will never reach an agreement.![]()
betamonkey said:There is a huge difference in 40 and 80 small guns skill with even the most basic hunting rifle.