Imagine : Being able to create your own companion?


First time out of the vault
Okay! I came up with an idea the other day whilst watching Boone get demolished by a Giant Yao-Gaui and making stupid comments on his ability in battle. My brother turned to me and said "Damn, Boone is the worst companion... Go get Lilly, She's miles better." I sat there, and thought for a moment.. before turning back to my brother and saying "Perhaps the next Fallout will include the ability to make your own follower?"

He laughed, "It's a game.. How realistic do you want things to get?"

I know it's insane.. But what if you could create your own companion?!? What would their personality be? Faction? Appearance? Items? Specialties? Tag Skills? You Decide!

Example :

Name : Jenna May-Anne
Gender : Female
Age : 22
(Facial) Hair : Long Black Hair
Eyes : Blue
Faction : The Followers Of Apocalypse
Tag Skills : Medicine, Speech, Survival
Specialty : Medicine




Background Story : EXAMPLE TEXT HERE

Get Cracking!!
I think companions in New Vegas are great (you're talking about New Vegas, right? Wrong sub-forum, mate). They've got great background stories, are designed and looking well (for Gamebryo). Of course, what is most important, every and each one of them is useful in their own, unique way, which also depends on your character. You've got good options for melee, or guns, energy characters and what else not.

Sure, they (or at least some of them) may be lacking in some aspects, but it's the general AI that's causing the problem , so you will basically have similar or same problems with companions you create yourself.

But, if I had to create a companion I'd make some Legion-exclusive character. Legion is, as we all know, the worst way to finish the game, gameplay and quest-wise that is, and in my opinion, an exclusive companion is lacking too (you've got Boone for "good" ways, can't use him if you're with Legion etc.).
Well, if it were possible, I would probably go the route of a specialist in non-combat skills, and then have my created companion be the muscle.

Buuut, since I never play with companions in any of the games, it's kind of a non-issue. It would, however, be much more useful in Fallout 1/2 than 3/NV, simply because the latter are piss-easy with/without them. Fallout 1/2 is/are a lot more difficult, and I don't really think any of the companions are that helpful.
Companions are a two-edged blade. They provide their benefits but also their complications.
My biggest problem is that they tend to get in the way of my shooting the "bad guy". Hey, it isn't my fault that the battle hardened combat veteran doesn't know better than to step between my gatling laser and a Death Claw while I an shooting... talk about a moron. LOL

One thing I like about companions is that they serve as great "mules" for toting all my stuff to a merchant. And, they do it all for free, while I make the big caps. The only thing left is to be able to pimp them out when you start getting low on buff. LOL
I agree with Two-step. I always take their melee weapons away from them and demand they use ranged weapons. Otherwise, they rush right into my line of fire! (Idiots) Also, I tend to nickname companions "Muleboy 1" or the like.

I like the New Vegas companions for the most part, but I would prefer Veronica straight, and both Veronica and Cass horny. But, that's just me.

As for creating companions, pack brahmin would work for me. FO3 has a good mod for that, New Vegas has one, but it doesn't work right. Someone needs to make a better one.
wait, how making custom people would be any realistic? Unless yoo mean as in Dragon Quest 9 when you hire people for your party so you custom make them, but in that game companions are compeltely inexistente in the story.
If I could create my own companion I think that I would want a Deathclaw. Not only could it act as a body guard and carry tons of stuff, but it would also make one hell of a riding mount.

If it where possible to create a deathclaw companion I would also give my faithful mount (skippy) armor and possible cybernetic enhancements... and maybe even provide some special Deathclaw weaponry.
I prefer finding companions better than making them unless the next game has multiple central characters on a journey. Otherwise, I like it more meeting companions whose personalities are fleshed out and characterized thoroughly
Richwizard said:
Their claws ignore armor. Deathclaws are already "special".

Yes, their claws ignore armor.... which is fine and dandy for close range combat. Which is why I snipe/move/snipe them when I have to go against them in the game.

When I say special, I mean special in relation to something of a similar nature... such as, "Skippy" the Deathclaw having weapons that are special in relation to other Deathclaws.
I guess I should have said "+5 special", so that the awesomeness of my reference to "special" could be better understood.

It would not be inconceivable to think that the Enclave did strange experiments on Deathclaws and thus, made "Skippy" possible.
Creating companions sounds sort of like creating a multi-character party for any RPG (PnP in particular).

For Fallout, a companion-creation system could work, if:

1. all the normal companion-based limits were imposed (such as the charisma-based limit on the number of party members)
2. the in-game story were served by it somehow (i.e., a partially-customizable companion would still allow a created companion's unique abilities to contribute uniquely to a quest or something)
3. there were particular limits to the creation that helped maintain balance, or for other reasons: for instance, companion must have agility between 4 and 7 (random example)

It could be made to work, if designed carefully, I think.
