It Wandered In From the Wastes

Ok, pretty major spoilers here, so don't read on if you don't want the game spoiled for you.
[spoiler:f8c8de97e6]Anyways, I found 'dad' by chance wandering the outskirts of tenpenny tower. I didn't need no help from nobody (I blew three dogs head off the instant I heard his voice). 'Dad' is in some old garage underneath inside of 'vault 112'. I used all the the dialogue options and eventually told him to 'fuck off' and then he started running off towards DC with a .32 pistol...[/spoiler:f8c8de97e6]
Wow.... Just wow, he's immortal jesus dad who goes punching raiders and getting knocked 'unconscious' by mini guns and flamethrower's 2000 times. Were they serious? This game is so riddled with design flaws it is nearly unplayable for me at this point.
To be fair, it gives you the option to meet up with him at a later time but he beckons you to join him, and guess what, I am at level 7 with mediocre equipment and he is a dumb-fuck walking bullseye who cannot die. I'm fed up with this atrocious game.
[spoiler:f8c8de97e6]Anyways, I found 'dad' by chance wandering the outskirts of tenpenny tower. I didn't need no help from nobody (I blew three dogs head off the instant I heard his voice). 'Dad' is in some old garage underneath inside of 'vault 112'. I used all the the dialogue options and eventually told him to 'fuck off' and then he started running off towards DC with a .32 pistol...[/spoiler:f8c8de97e6]
Wow.... Just wow, he's immortal jesus dad who goes punching raiders and getting knocked 'unconscious' by mini guns and flamethrower's 2000 times. Were they serious? This game is so riddled with design flaws it is nearly unplayable for me at this point.
To be fair, it gives you the option to meet up with him at a later time but he beckons you to join him, and guess what, I am at level 7 with mediocre equipment and he is a dumb-fuck walking bullseye who cannot die. I'm fed up with this atrocious game.