In an alternate universe...


First time out of the vault
A lost Legion company somehow got sidetracked all the way to the DC Wasteland. While exploring, they came upon a town where grown ups were exiled. After forcing them all into slavery, they began to hear of a fabled town of little children. As they ventured into the Lamplight Caves, the Legion Commander asked the children to join the glorious Legion and become Legionnaires of the future, only to be badmouthed by a little kid, calling them "Mungos" and smugly thinking they cant take them. The Legion did not take his words kindly, simply smashed the feeble gate, killing all of (If any) the poorly trained kids armed with primitive weapons, and enslaving the rest to become slaves. The so called Mayor become a whipping boy to all the Legionnaires, you dont want to know what his fate was for the rest of his life.
And that is how 88th tribe was conquered

Thought you guys might've enjoyed that
Obviously, the Legion have mastered the art of console commands.
*vats helmetkid*
*head, head, head*