In case you need a review for RA2...


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
..., and if you're in doubt whether you should buy the game, you can post a request here. I'll tell you everything I know.

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[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-25-00 AT 06:39AM (GMT)[p]Getting advanced copies of games isn't that hard, I had the full version of Diablo 2, two weeks before it came out. what is RA2 anyway?

"I am the bringer of death, and the cry of sorrow, I am the one who... ah hell, I broke a nail."
>Getting advanced copies of games isn't
>that hard, I had the
>full version of Diablo 2,
>two weeks before it came
>out. what is RA2 anyway?

Yeah, but it only starts shipping tomorrow. It should reach stores by the 25-27th.

RA2 is Red Alert 2, the sequel to Command and Conquer Red Alert.


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Actually, RA2 is in stores since October 24th. In El.Bout., at least. I went there at about 2:30 and bought a copy. A quick review: C&C series meets Starcraft.

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>Actually, RA2 is in stores since
>October 24th. In El.Bout., at
>least. I went there at
>about 2:30 and bought a
>copy. A quick review: C&C
>series meets Starcraft.

Does it actually support more than 4 players at once? It really is pathetic that the C&C series only *just* meets Starcraft a game and a year later (e.g. two years later).

Is it actually stable online? C&C Tiberian Sun was horrifically unstable.

I'll have to pick up a copy.


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When I said C&C meets Starcraft, I meant Starcraft' best elements, like unit functions. Every unit in RA2 is a capable killing machine. Elite units actually do much more than their normal counterparts (Apocalypse tank fires 4 armorpiercing-igniting shells instead 2 armor-piercing, dealing equal damage to buildings, armor and infantery). I also liked Desolator - he goes around the map and "spreads the DOOM", that is, radiation. Every infantery that comes near is melted into a glowing puddle. He also have cool voice ("It will be a silent spring...")

Can't say anything about multiplayer or even skirmish. I'm finishing Soviet campaign, though, so I could give you more info soon. I also heard that there are bugs discovered already. I discovered them myself, though I'm not sure whether they're bugs or part of the game. For example, when Giant Squid is chasing a swimming Navy SEAL, he can't attack him if SEAL is constantly swimming! Even though Squid is faster than SEAL! Also, Soviet missile boat (the one with 2 BIG missiles) keeps firing even after the target is destroyed. I also heard there's a bug with the Harriers in skirmish/multiplayer, when they don't attack for the second time (???). I'll have to check this one for myself.

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