In Soviet Russia, the victim rapes you!


Mildly Dipped
Apparently, a would be thief tried to rob a Russian hair dresser's salon but as we say in my country "he went for wool and ended up skinned". The "victim", a young Russian lass named Olga is a karate practitioner and beat the ever loving shit out of him. As he lay broken and defeated, he was dragged into a cupboard, pumped full of viagra and apparently ridden like a rented mule for the next few days. *Cue Pulp Fiction music from the scene where the Marcellus is taking it up the ass from Zed*

In the aftermath, she bought him a pair of jeans and 1000 roubles, in addition to a broken Frenulum.

He accused her of deviant acts of a sexual nature and she accused him of attempted robbery.

The important question is lads...why don't we go live in Russia today?

edit: I'm an idiot and forgot the link. Thanks RCorporon.
Bwahahahahah... that is hilarious! :D

Does seem like something from Pulp Fiction though... who would have thought somebody fetish is to rape somebody who robs you... and to rape a man! lol..
She's Russian. She's either butt fugly, or hotter than the hottest hot times infinity.

Or, at least in my experience with those Russian girls I used to hang out who worked at McDonalds.
Here's a picture of her:


Not too shabby, I say.
EDIT:beat me to it.

She doesnt look fugly.
Well, atleast what you can see isnt fugly.
Looks above average to me.
If some girl tied you up, "raped" you, broke your dick, then bought you off - all brought on by her kicking your ass during a failed robbery attempt. Wouldn't you be a bit reluctant to share this publicly?
Cimmerian Nights said:
If some girl tied you up, "raped" you, broke your dick, then bought you off - all brought on by her kicking your ass during a failed robbery attempt. Wouldn't you be a bit reluctant to share this publicly?
Not at all. I would claim I planned for the whole thing.
SuAside said:
if she was goodlooking, i'd consider a life of crime.

Even if it means that she breaks your limbs before the act?

By the way, how ugly can a female making karate look already ... :mrgreen:


Chancellor Kremlin said:
My experience with russian girls indicateds they are beautiful and insane.

She fits at least one of those descriptions lol.
I can agree with the insane parts. Though that doesnt only count for the females !

Russians make some of the best friends. But they are usualy the last people you want as enemies. THough there was a russian girl that deliberately was able to drink my polish friends (both of them) under the table.
What a crazed lady...i can alredy see the lines of fools trying to rob her hair saloon... :lol:
x'il said:
What a crazed lady...i can alredy see the lines of fools trying to rob her hair saloon... :lol:
Ehehe, exactly - I was just going to ask how I get the address to this place?!
Chancellor Kremlin said:
Yeah... except for the broken frenum!
Certainly beats getting a broken frenum from whacking off to Internet porn.

Not that anything like that ever happened to me, no sirree.