Increasing FPS in Fallout 2 on Mac using Crossover


First time out of the vault
Just wondering if anyone can help me out here. I've successfully installed and ran Fallout 2, as well as the official 1.02 patch and "unofficial" Fallout 2 patch.

The game runs without errors, but performance is sluggish and generally bad. I've read posts about how to increase FPS on PCs, but I could not find anything about increasing FPS when using Crossover on a mac.

I have tried changing the WorldMapDelay2=66 in ddraw.ini to WorldMapDelay2=0, but I have no idea what I'm doing in this regard and it didn't seem to work.

I have the late 2008 white macbook, Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4ghz.
How much memory have you got?

Make sure you have Cmd-Q closed idle apps such as Safari and Mail to make sure Crossover has as much memory as it can get its hands on.

If it is just too slow to play, you could investigate Bootcamp and a Win7-64 Home license but I don't know how constrained for space you are since you have the MacBook.

I too found games running under Wine to be sluggish and that was on my 2010 Mac Pro but I had the luxury of having space for extra internal drives. I currently have Win7-64 Home on its own SSD and use that for all my games, even the ones which have native OSX support.

It keeps the OSX drive clean and clear and has the benefit that generally, ported games perform slightly better on the Windows side and the games that would be wrapped are played as the developer intended.

Ooh, just an update - have a look at PaulTheTall's website - he does Wine Wrappers for popular games. You still have to own the original of course but have a look at his Fallout2 vid and see if his tips will help...
Thank you for the help! It amazes me I can still get help this quickly on a game this old. I really appreciate it guys.

I just tried it running only Crossover and the game. Still lagged. I have 2GB of RAM on this machine.

I'll try the Wine Wrapper!

EDIT: I've tried downloading it twice from the link on that page but each time it said the archive was corrupted. I also tried two different unzipping programs.
Let me check it... 1 sec.

By the way, 2Gb really isn't a lot of ram these days... time to start saving.


You are quite right - that archive is damaged. In addition it seems that 10.7.5 and 10.8.2 completely screwed Crossover. There are details here...

The fix to the issue is detailed here...


Now, as for Fallout2, Paul has updated his wrapper and split the wrapper for nVidia and ATI support. No idea how this affects integrated graphics however. You can always ask him as he is active on his site.

Try this link...


As for the RAM, you will need 2x 2GB of 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM (PC2-5300) to max out the machine. SODIMM of course. Should cost you about £40 like this in the UK...

Instructions on changing the memory are on this Apple KB page.
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