I wonder, if Dean were out, would Edwards beat Kerry?
Here is some interesting stuff on the Vice Presidential nominee. Is Cheney bowing out?
From Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball-
But First...Will Bush-Cheney Become Bush- ______?
History has a sense of humor, and it may be playing another trick. Reportedly in 1992, a concerned presidential son (George W. Bush) approached his father (President George H.W. Bush) and strongly suggested that the electoral albatross that Bush Sr. had chosen in 1988 for Vice President (Dan Quayle) be dropped from the reelection ticket in favor of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Colin Powell. Bush Sr. refused, fearing the reaction among conservatives if he sent their favorite officeholder back to Indiana. (Having misread conservative lips by raising taxes, Bush Sr. was already in the doghouse with the right.) However, Bush Jr. may well have been correct. The nomination of the first African-American to a major-party national ticket might have scrambled the 1992 election. While President Bush would have lost some conservative votes, he likely would have gained many in the middle who were--and still are--mightily impressed with Powell. And it's easy to imagine that Bush's 11% in the black community from 1988 would at least have doubled with Powell on the ticket. The '92 election would have been closer; whether Powell would have added enough net votes is unknowable--yet Bush Sr. would at least have been back in the game, with a real chance for reelection.
Now come we to 2004. Dick Cheney's selection made some sense in 2000. While he added no electoral votes to Bush's column--and Bush needed every one he could get--Cheney did provide a sense of reassurance, experience, and maturity to the untested GOP presidential nominee. But in 2004, Bush has not only been president for a term, he has faced some of the greatest crises encountered by any modern President. Bush doesn't need Cheney for the same reasons--or, to the Crystal Ball's way of thinking, for any reasons at all. Bush most needs electoral votes; the President is struggling in the polls and he has made little real progress in expanding the Red States from his minimal victory of 2000. Now, President Bush potentially faces a Democratic nominee who, with a smart pick for Vice President, can take away a key Red State (Georgia? Indiana? Louisiana? Arizona?), and who, by pounding away at the Bush term's job losses, can capture another Red State or two (Ohio and West Virginia come immediately to mind). Where, oh where, is Bush going to make up for his lost electoral votes? The 2000 Census added only 7 to his column--278 if he carries all his 2000 states, a mere 8 more than the minimum for victory.
It is immediately clear that, once again, Dick Cheney adds not a single Electoral Vote. (Wyoming would vote GOP for a comatose nominee.) In addition (or is that subtraction?), Cheney has become a serious liability. Fair or unfair, his Halliburton connection is a major and unwelcome distraction for Bush. Cheney is seen by most Americans as a secretive corporate executive with no common touch--someone unlikely to help convince the voters that Bush cares about them and deserves a second term. Cheney's adamant pre-war insistence about the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and his possible pressure on CIA analysts to support this unproven belief, has helped to open up a yawning credibility gap for the Bush Administration. His surprisingly liberal views on gay marriage/civil unions, owing to his lesbian daughter, complicate Bush's plans to make Kerry pay for the sharply leftist direction of gay rights in the Bay State. His prime Cabinet selection, former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, has deeply embarrassed Bush and raised legitimate questions about Cheney's advice on personnel selection. And then, there is the Vice President's health. Four heart attacks in a V.P. may not have seemed relevant in the misleadingly quiet America of 2000, but a strenuous campaign awaits the Bush ticket, and the need for a vigorous, steely, shock-absorbing second-in-command in this dangerous age of terrorism should be obvious to all.
Will Bush now heed the advice he once gave to his father? Powerful candidates from electoral-rich states are available: ex-Governor and current Cabinet Secretary Tom Ridge from Pennsylvania (21 Electoral Votes) and Bob Taft from Ohio (20 Votes) are the most prominent, and both these large states are still winnable for Bush. Only in a landslide would Bush carry New York or Michigan, so it's doubtful that Governor George Pataki or ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani or former Wolverine State Governor John Engler could help Bush all that much. A wild-card candidate might be Wisconsin's former Governor and current Secretary of Health and Human Resources Tommy Thompson (10 Votes); another would be Senator Norm Coleman of Minnesota (10 Votes), not least because Coleman has cut quite a national figure over the past year and Minnesota is now a swing state. Or maybe Bush can finally take his own advice and put Secretary of State Colin Powell on the ticket, or if the conservatives raise too much of a ruckus about the moderate Powell, he can pick right-wing favorite National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rice. (WARNING: Rice has never truly been vetted by the press).
Okay, the Crystal Ball has had its fun. That loyalty gene in the Bush family will prevent "W" from dumping his V.P. just like it stopped Bush Sr. in 1992. But all it would take is a private realization by Vice President Cheney that the best thing he could do for his President and his party in 2004 is to step aside. He could announce that, for health reasons--those pesky heart palpitations--he has decided to retire at the end of the term. What a shocking way to "jump-start" the Bush campaign in mid-summer! (Apologies to all heart patients who use those marvelous, life-saving defibrillators.) Will Cheney make the sacrifice? We all THINK we know the answer ("no"), but...
Back to the Democrats: So Who Will Carry the Load with Kerry?
On January 5, 2004, the Crystal Ball shamelessly started the V.P. speculation before we even had a solid clue from the voters as to the winner of the Presidential nomination. Not one of our loyal readers objected, so we assume that you won't care if we continue this madness. Compared to the ancient list (
http://www.centerforpolitics.org/crystalball/pres_veep-table.htm) that was constructed five weeks and several political eternities ago, we have a new frontrunner--former Senator Max Cleland of Georgia, who has campaigned by Kerry's side and shares the special bond of the band of Vietnam War brothers. Cleland, the longtime Peach State politician would make Kerry at least competitive in Georgia (though he lost his own seat in 2002); and as a Vietnam quadriplegic, Cleland has a matching story of heroism and sacrifice that would reinforce Kerry's own (pre-Jane Fonda, at least) and make this ticket potentially attractive to many veterans.
Also still at the top of the list, are Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana and Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico. See our January release for the explanations.
Still hot on the Democratic V.P. trail are Senators Bill Nelson and Bob Graham of Florida. The Sunshine State may be a mighty tempting target for Kerry, not just because of 2000 but also because a real challenge to Bush there simply cannot be ignored by the skittish Bush team and will tie up millions in GOP resources.
Moving up on the list because of their shrewdly timed Kerry endorsements are former foe Dick Gephardt of the key swing state of Missouri, Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack (whose wife gave Kerry a big boost in the state that literally made the senator the 2004 Democratic nominee), and Governor Mark Warner of Virginia, whose strong pitch for Kerry just 48 hours before the Old Dominion's primary helped propel Kerry into a massive victory that severely damaged both Southern candidates, John Edwards and Wesley Clark. While Edwards remains in the hunt for Vice President, the Crystal Ball has downgraded Clark's chances. Yes, he dropped out and endorsed Kerry, but the general's propensity for damaging gaffes, his condescending attack on "Lieutenant Kerry" while still contesting the nomination, and his role in spreading unproven rumors about Kerry to the press will, in our view, make him an unlikely, even foolish, choice for Number Two.
Also moved down a notch or two were several senators, the most prominent of whom is Hillary Clinton. Even assuming she wanted the V.P. spot, which is doubtful, she and Kerry would comprise a ticket that is too liberal, too Northeast (She's not from Arkansas anymore), and too controversial.
WISCONSIN PRIMARY RESULTS: The One-and-a-Half Candidate Contest
The following results were as of 1:15 AM EDT. Percent of precincts reporting is listed in parenthesis. The top four candidates are listed followed by their percentage of the vote and the number of delegates assigned.
Wisconsin (100%)
With John Edwards' strong-though-losing showing in Wisconsin, the Democratic contest will clearly last at least until the Super-Primary on March 2. But, Kerry has still won 15 of 17 battles, with Edwards having captured just one state: his native South Carolina. Moreover, the ground is more fertile for Kerry than Edwards on March 2: the ten states voting are mainly Northern/Western and liberal, with the prominent exception of Georgia: CA, CT, GA, MD, MA, MN, NY, OH, RI, and VT. Yet even in the Peach State, Kerry has a powerful weapon: former U.S. Senator Max Cleland. Most Democrats are still furious about his defeat for reelection in November 2002, and they may be inclined to listen to him now.
With Dean sidelined and the other serious candidates now out, and Sharpton and Kucinich mere sideshows as always, the showdown for the Democratic nomination is between Kerry and Edwards. This is what Edwards has always wanted: a one-on-one, mano a mano fight. But, it cannot be the way Edwards had hoped it might be. This is not one-on-one, but a one-and-a-half candidate finale. And the whole almost always beats the half.
History tells us that Wisconsin has seen several close presidential elections--both primary and general--so this recent result should be viewed in perspective. To that end, the Crystal Ball reminds you of three of the closest contests: first, Bill Clinton's defeat of CA Gov. Jerry Brown in 1992 by 21,000 votes. Next up is Jimmy Carter's surprise primary win over Mo Udall in 1976 by 7,500 votes. Lastly--and closest--is Al Gore's 2000 defeat of George W. Bush in the general election, where the margin rested at a mere 5,700 votes.
For the moment, though, the Crystal Ball celebrates the extension of the campaign for two more weeks, not unlike students who welcome snow days. And that's the real reason John Edwards is getting what he wants. Every print reporter, TV newsman, political analyst, and electoral junkie--INCLUDING The Crystal Ball--wished hard for a longer primary season, Terry McAuliffe and his frontloading be damned! Hooray for the contrarian voters of the Badger State!