John Uskglass
Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Ratty said:Am I the only one whom this agreement eerily reminds of the Hitler-Mussolini Pact of Steel?
You Euros are really out of it. It's kind of funny.
Ratty said:Am I the only one whom this agreement eerily reminds of the Hitler-Mussolini Pact of Steel?
Proof?uziel said:Most of the Insurgents are from Syria and nieghboring nations of Iraq anyways.
Then why are people still dying? Who are you fighting if you have already kicked their arses?We kicked their ass long ago.
Ah, massive native casualties are A.O.K, because Shit Happens.And in war, civilians take casualties, so don't use that crap against us, alright?
if they are foreigners, they have no rightsuziel said:Most of the Insurgents are from Syria and nieghboring nations of Iraq anyways. Tehy're not even fighting for Saddam.
although i really dont agree with their idiology, that kinda makes them somewhat legitimate in their strife, doesnt it?uziel said:We're fighting Anti-American terrorists who see the new Iraqi government as another American puppet. And with teh way we're handling teh setup of the new governemnt, they're kinda right.
Welsh, civil liberties are still better then what they where during some parts of the Cold War, and while there has been some 'rollback', we're also involved in dangerous parts of the world far more often, and face a threat that is at once both domestic and foreign. This is not the Clinton administration, where the only times we are involved in the Middle East is running the fuck out of Somalia or bombing a pharmacutical factory because of the news about Monica.CCR- I have serious doubts about your argument that the Republicans are not "taking over" all branches of the government. They have the executive, control Congress and dominate the Surpeme Court. What's left? To assume that there hasn't been a rollback of civil rights in the US for the past 5 years (or even over the past 28 years)- is just foolishness.
Today, I'd say the influence the PRC exerts on 'puppet' nations is more then we do. I almost wish we really did control South and Central America- we might have more foreign troops in Iraq.Trying to compare the extent of Chinese influence in their periphery to US control in the Western Hemisphere? That's silly. The US had more influence and greater ability to intervene not only in the Western Hemisphere but in other regions of interest than China has ever had.
Pu238 rounds are depleted and don't cause damage to people who are'nt hit by the round
Because Pu-238 is 247 times more radioactive than Pu-239, a "lethal particle" of Pu-238 is only 1/247 the mass of a "lethal particle" of Pu-239. Correcting the worst-case analysis from Pu-239 to Pu-238: the same mass, optimally divided, would yield 247 times as many lethal particles and therefore 247 times as many fatailities, using the same statistics as the original. But an additional adjustment is needed: a particle 1/247 the mass has 1/247 the volume and therefore 1/6.27 the diameter. The smaller particle would fall about 6.27 times slower. That would multiply the fatal inhaled doses again by 6.27, using the original statistics. The two corrections mean a combined multiplication of 1549 times, , when translating from Pu-239 to an equal mass of Pu-238.
We still have Miranda,
Geneva does not apply to terrorists
The US has violated the Geneva Convention, which forbids "individual or mass forcible transfers […] of protected persons from occupied territory,” by taking prisoners out of Iraq for interrogation.
The US has violated the Geneva Convention by cutting off water supplies to Tall Afar, Samarra and Fallujah for several days in September and October 2004, denying up to 750,000 civilians access to water. The US further breached international law when forces refused to let the Red Cross deliver water to Fallujah the in hopes that dwindling supplies of food and water would eventually cause the insurgents to surrender.
Welsh said:Wooz- this argument that "gulf war syndrome" was due to depleted uranium rounds is an interesting one. I haven't heard it before. Any sources you might have on it? I know there was a case of a Japanese fishing ship that got shot up with DU rounds and the fisherman subsequently sued the US for injuries. I would imagine that an investigation into the service records of men who were exposed to fired DU rounds might shine some light on the source of Gulf War Syndrome. Considering the government's desire to cover it up, perhaps there is more to your theory.
Interview said:DAVID MULLER: What are the short term and long term effects of DU contamination in Iraq?
PROF. GUNTHER: From my own observations in Iraq, the long term effect of contact with DU results in the breakdown of the immune system. Other effects noticed have been:
# Many infectious diseases, with serious complications are on the increase. Sometimes diseases break out which are known in Europe only through text books;
# Herpes infections, Zoster infections and AIDS-like symptoms are dramatically on the increase, all of them possibly related to the breakdown of the immune system;
# Premature births are numerous. Congenital malformations of the newborn show a high postwar percentage (26.8% according to Dept. of Pathology, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad). In the countryside, children die in great numbers and are buried without possibility of diagnosis;
# During the lambing season in 1993 a high percentage 10% according to IPA Agricultural Research Center) of abnormal newborn lambs have been observed. Most of them died a few days after birth.