Insanely slow map transit


First time out of the vault
Ok, so I tried to search the forum, but since I'm doing it at my high school and the internet connection sucks(a T1 split between a hundred or so computers) I have been forced to ask it here since the search keeps timing out.

Ok so I transfered Fallout 2 into my 1 gig MP3 player so I can play it in Digital Imaging and Web Design when we arn't doing anything(which is alot of the time) so I run into the problem of a slow map tranist screen, at home I had the crazy fast one and DLed the exe to fix that, but here its almost like a snail, and i keep getting WAY more random encounters than normal (had 4 in the same square) it's not that I dont like the extra XP, it's just annoying. Any sugestions?

And the processors here arn't old slow ones. I checked the DxDiag on this one(the only one i use) and it reads as a Pentium 4 2.4 GHZ with 512 ram.
Try this:

Something you can try: Unpack the file worldmap.txt from master.dat with some dat unpacker from the file section, and place it in fallout2/data/data. Open it and lower the frequency percentages at the top to... something. Run the game and see if anything's different. Experiment or tweak if necessary.