Ok, so float_msg is native FO2 engine function, right but what that vanilla script do really means and hot it relates/link to the original FO2 engine? Sorry, but I'm really curious.
Ok, so I'll try and clear up some confusion here. I think I see what's going on.
The scripts are run on the Fallout.exe engine.
The engine doesn't support line breaks in dialogue scripts...disappointing.
My understanding is the line breaks are created automatically, so you might try using spaces or underscores or some invisible character to try and force a line break...creative coding is sometimes the answer
If you really want to modify the input to certain sections of the game memory directly, as both Mr.Stalin and NovaRain are suggesting, you can take a look at the github for sfall:
Sfall is a ddraw.dll and interface file that captures certain game inputs in memory and modifies them ala whatever (it looks like NovaRain is managing it these days) wants them to do

Quote from the page:
"A set of engine modifications for the classic game Fallout 2 in form of a DLL, which modifies executable in memory without changing anything in EXE file itself."
This is way out of my league, though I'd love to be able to contribute to something like this. If it's in your league, Mulligun, then my hats off to you