Inside the Vault - Christopher Krietz

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The new Inside the Vault on BethBlog features Christopher Krietz, who did QA on Oblivion, is currently lead QA on Oblivion GotY and will move on to testing Fallout 3 afterwards:<blockquote>Have you played any of the Fallout games?
My introduction to the series started with Wasteland on the C64 — at the time I was fairly young and didn’t think much about it as I was playing a lot of the other great RPGs at the time too (Ultima 4-5, Bards Tale, Might and Magic 2, the SSI Gold Box D&D games), but I’ve since revisited it and have greatly enjoyed it. Admittedly, I’ve not spent as much time playing Fallout 1 and 2… I played quite a bit of 1 but never completed it, and never got ahold of 2. I think the whole world of the franchise is great. I find the setting fascinating.</blockquote>Link: Inside the Vault - Christopher Krietz.
"Quality Assurance".. I ought to slap him. My Oblivion character was ruined by the Shivering Isles item # bug he missed.