Inside The Vault - Megan Sawyer

No shit, sherlock. What do you think I was talking about there? Yeesh.
So the enviroments were pretty ok and DO fit in a fallout game huh ?!!
ok...guess i dont have any comments about that .each to his own :clap:

What I do know, is what she claims in that interview. Which includes playing through the game and looking up a lot of graphics and movies which gives you a lot of information about the environment in the game.
So, yes, your point is still retarded.
she didnt played through the game .this is what she did :

I’ve watched all of the speed runs, read everything I can on Fallout, studied screenshots, and watched every YouTube Fallout game play video I can.
1.I’ve watched all of the speed runs : hey...i have watched that too !!! what a fucking coincidence :D and do they show ALL the enviroments of the game ? everything I can on Fallout : such as ?!!
3.studied screenshots : you mean the one on the back of the boxes ?!! well there are pretty much more : .take your time !!!
4.and watched every YouTube Fallout game play video I can ahh...what would we do without youtube kids !!!!
actually ,i would watch all of them but that would still not give you enough information about the enviroment .

Yet an environment artist *only* does environment art.
yes...and he/she should be familiar with the enviroment.and with enviroment i dont mean a forest full of fucking TROLLS ,but a post apocalyptic wasteland !
No. Does she say, anywhere, that they do? There you go. She doesn't
no she didnt .
...she would have said such a thing and i would laugh for the rest of my life

Are you even trying anymore? This such a ridiculous point it isn't even normal. You're actually saying that when she says 'screenshots' she can only mean the ones on the back of the boxes. That's just beyond retarded.
ahahhahaha ....oh man ! so you are really thinking that i thought she only meant the back of the box ???!!!!!
Vault 13 said:
ahahhahaha ....oh man ! so you are really thinking that i thought she only meant the back of the box ???!!!!!
Oh man, your retarded arguments so far showed that it was very probable that you did. If you didn't, then you really should learn to express yourself properly.
Vault 13 said:
ahahhahaha ....oh man ! so you are really thinking that i thought she only meant the back of the box ???!!!!!
Well, considering that you said:
3.studied screenshots : you mean the one on the back of the boxes ?!! well there are pretty much more : .take your time !!!
Yeah, it seems obvious you were trying to insinuate that she only looked at the ones on the back of the box. You posted a link to google and suggested she look up more, but that only furthers the insinuation.

Really, just lay off it. This girl and her job have zero to do with Boyarsky and whether or not he got hired. Boyarsky sure as hell would not have been an environmental artist if he had been hired. Besides, you know Bethesda is solely interested in making their own vision of Fallout with zero consideration of what made the originals great, and that's the reason they didn't hire on Boyarsky and co. So stop bashing someone who's only doing her job. She did plenty of research; finishing the game is not requisite for understanding the art, and to suggest such is utterly ridiculous.
Vault 13 said:
Really, just lay off it.
are you blind ?!
i did that a couple of hours ago .

Then let's consider that means ARGUMENT OVER.

Back on topic:

While the environment for Fallout 3 hasn't been perfect (I agree with lisac2k on the 5.5 thing), I can imagine how hard it is to do Fallout-style sci-fi retro 50s in 3D. To me, it always worked in Fallout because it was 2D, isometric, and pixelated. That last aspect was always important to me, because (much like Spiderweb software games) it allowed me to create the deeper details in my mind's eye. With Beth's obsession with graphics, it's harder to create that "simplistic" 50s style Fallout used.
Signeon said:
Back on topic:

While the environment for Fallout 3 hasn't been perfect (I agree with lisac2k on the 5.5 thing), I can imagine how hard it is to do Fallout-style sci-fi retro 50s in 3D. To me, it always worked in Fallout because it was 2D, isometric, and pixelated. That last aspect was always important to me, because (much like Spiderweb software games) it allowed me to create the deeper details in my mind's eye. With Beth's obsession with graphics, it's harder to create that "simplistic" 50s style Fallout used.
I agree,it is really not that easy to bring fallout into a 3d enviroment .but it is not impossible.if you remember the fallout loading screens, some of them were actually shots from 3d renderings .take this photo for example :

this is supposed to be Hub,and it really does lts job well ! it really does look like a pic taken from somewhere in Hub .
I would say,it would be Possible to bring back such an atmosphere to the game IF bethesda would have allowed some of the original Artists to work with the current Fallout 3 team.
Vault 13 said:

Oh God, I had completely forgotten about those.

Also, I don't think I ever noticed that face as part of the building. Looks kind of out of place, especially with the hair.

But you're right, it can be done, I was just thinking what a nightmare it would be. Then again, these people are (supposed to be) professionals and should be able to at least copy (look at original FO assets and create 3D models from those) the style.
Vault 13 said:
this is supposed to be Hub,and it really does lts job well ! it really does look like a pic taken from somewhere in Hub .
I would say,it would be Possible to bring back such an atmosphere to the game IF bethesda would have allowed some of the original Artists to work with the current Fallout 3 team.
It's not the Hub - there are no heads in the Hub and I don't recall any car wrecks outside of old town.
It looks like the Boneyard.
And that's the building in Necropolis where the pump and the Ladder is.

Go figure.
xulm said:
And that's the building in Necropolis where the pump and the Ladder is.

Go figure.

Neamos is correct. That is the screen shown for the Hub when you finish the game. Necropolis had a picture of a massive city with ruined skyscrapers and (i think) a broken motorway or somesuch. The Boneyard only gets a brief shot of a brick wall and the cross symbol of the Followers Of The Apocalypse.
Neamos is correct.

I don't say he's not. This render is indeed a background for a Hub ending.

However I'm saying that it depicts the Necropolis building. There's only one such building in-game, and it's damn important building. (and I have to repeat: Go figure. )
I believe that it was supposed to be a Necropolis endscreen or something else, but was used as Hub's one in the end.

I'm curious if it was altered before presumpted "conversion" or not.
xulm said:
Neamos is correct.

I don't say he's not. This render is indeed a background for a Hub ending.

However I'm saying that it depicts the Necropolis building. There's only one such building in-game, and it's damn important building. (and I have to repeat: Go figure. )
I believe that it was supposed to be a Necropolis endscreen or something else, but was used as Hub's one in the end.

I'm curious if it was altered before presumpted "conversion" or not.

I take your point, but there's not just one building. Necropolis is full of those buildings with the mohawk heads. Set's movie theatre has a few of them, as do several others in Necropolis (i think the Motel has them too). The watershed just looks like a generic shack in comparison. In fact, if it wasn't surrounded by mutants i would have passed right by it.
Crowfoot said:
I take your point, but there's not just one building. Necropolis is full of those buildings with the mohawk heads. Set's movie theatre has a few of them, as do several others in Necropolis (i think the Motel has them too). The watershed just looks like a generic shack in comparison. In fact, if it wasn't surrounded by mutants i would have passed right by it.

Oh man. It is only one building. GO FIGURE.

Set's cine has two Atlas figures at the entrance, same as at the Blades building in LA ( and probably somewhere else, I'm not sure ) , and every other building in Necropolis ( Motel as well ) is more or less generic. Seriously.

Oh man. It is only one building. GO FIGURE.

Set's cine has two Atlas figures at the entrance, same as at the Blades building in LA ( and probably somewhere else, I'm not sure ) , and every other building in Necropolis ( Motel as well ) is more or less generic. Seriously.

Look, this argument is getting ridiculous but you have said that: "There's only one such building in-game", referring to the building with the mohawk heads. The Atlas figures are those full human figures who have their heads bowed and are supporting a globe on their shoulders. These appear on several buildings in the game. HOWEVER, Set's theatre and several other buildings in Necropolis have the same look as the one you say ONLY happens on the watershed. All you have to do is look at the screenshot entitled "Visiting Set" (or something similar) in the Fallout gallery on this website and you will see this to be true. your own Yankee way of saying things.......GO FIGURE.
Now, let that be an end to it.
Only thing I can say is that I'm shocked. Each time I said "ask figure" I managed to run the game and search for it to be sure. And there's no other mohawk-head I found but the one I said.

But I looked at the "visiting Set" screenshot:

And said WTF, because in my game it looks like THIS:

Do american and european versions differ that much?
Or does the gallery screenshot is from earlier version of the game?

Can anybody figure?
Crowfoot, did you checked it in-game?
That's pretty weird alright. I'm from Ireland so i have the European version, but i finished playing Fallout again about two months ago so i deinstalled it. I'll have to wait until my next playthrough to check it (i'm sure i'll remember!). The only other explanation i can offer is that the screenshot is from the game in development or something.