Intellectual Property- too much or not enough

If you have to package the better part of 100 games into one box to sell it, then I think it's time to retire it.
calculon000 said:
After 14 years, the game could not possibly be making the company any money any more. I challenge you to find any game that's 14+ years old in any computer store today, even in the bargain bins.

I couldn't, they had a special on space invaders and sold out.
calculon000 said:
If you have to package the better part of 100 games into one box to sell it, then I think it's time to retire it.

But if it can still make money, why should they?
But if it can still make money, why should they?
Because it's just cheap! Oh look! we are selling antique shit on discount! Lame...
If they want to re-sell old games they should at least work on them a bit, improve them bla bla...
What would you say to a Monkey Island 1 and 2 but with modern graphics, same story though. A lot of the young gamers haven't played the old ones and if they were to give it a make over and put it back on the market they could make some money...