Interplay dead?

I would suggest that, if this news is true, it doesn't necessarily mean that IPLY is dead.

It is not that unusual for a company to file bankruptcy during periods of hard times or if the company has been unable to collect on outstanding debts.

A bankruptcy should not be confused with a fire sale. Yes, IPLY will probably have to sell off assets to pay it's debt. But more importantly, Bankruptcy is a shield to creditors that prevents them from collecting on outstanding debts while the company puts its house in order.

No, it's not a good sign. A company files bankruptcy is in financial trouble. A good company shouldn't have to file for bankruptcy. But merely being in bankruptcy doesn't mean the company is six feet under, covered with concrete, with a big block of marble that reads RIP.

All I am saying is that the story is probaby not quite over.
I would agree. Look at the companies that have file just within the past year or two.

AT&T Worldcom
So are you suggesting that Interplay can possibly cling on long enough to sink to an even lower level?
A bankruptcy should not be confused with a fire sale. Yes, IPLY will probably have to sell off assets to pay it's debt. But more importantly, Bankruptcy is a shield to creditors that prevents them from collecting on outstanding debts while the company puts its house in order.

True, in the wise words of Pope_Viper on another forum with they file an chapter 7 or 11? But at this time i just think of how the current employees of Interplay are, waiting for news at home, without pay. Sad, really sad.

Hope everything turns out for the best at the end, with the exception of the Caen brothers and Molitor, i don`t have any simpathy for them.
Yeah, I've been in that situation, coming into work, and being told they can't pay you.

I hung out for a month waiting for some direction, but ultimately the family had to be fed.

I feel for the employees, as it was the poor decisions of a relative few, uninformed individuals that may be costing them their livelihood.
Well, I hate to revel in this news, and while I do sympathize with the laid off, as someone who's been laid off too many times, I am chuckling to myself that the people behind POS are finally done bastardizing great games for profits...I guess one would call that whoring. Either are apt.

May the licenses be sold to those with more brains than greed.
Briosafreak said:
Hope everything turns out for the best at the end, with the exception of the Caen brothers and Molitor, i don`t have any simpathy for them.

There's more people at Interplay who are as deserving as those two.
On the directors board yes, and a few that were still posting at the Iplay forum also yes, but many more no, at least from what i`ve heard of them.