Interplay developments

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
With Ballerium still lacking servers to run even their beta-tests and rumours of Interplay having Tulga Games develop a Fallout MMORPG spreading some slight rumblings are moving through the RB stockholder community. Not only do the investors for several reasons find the rumours to be pretty likely, it also seems Luke let one slip about Interplay's earnings reports, which would reveal the deal they made with Ballerium and might reveal more:<blockquote>Finally got ahold of Luke. He said that he expects earnings to be released in the next 20 to 30 days. He said he hasn't talked to management about it though. </blockquote>In the mean time, though, Interplay is officially late on its SEC filings once again, which changed their ticker symbol from IPLY.OB into IPLYE.OB. Is anyone tallying how many times that has happened?

Link: Raging Bull Interplay forum
IPLY is back to being IPLYE again? That means that they haven't been handing in the required financial paperwork again, right? Why don't they just give them a nice big F already?
Thats a really good question :idea: IPLY seems to be like some imortal NPC you shot it in the eye, score a critical that shoud rip its head of BUT no its still standing :!:
So IPLY is the Overseer? In that case I'm wondering when the ending of the game will rear its ugly head.

What are the ramifications of not filing your SEC paperwork on time anyway? Apparently not that much.
Sander said:
What are the ramifications of not filing your SEC paperwork on time anyway? Apparently not that much.

Not for being a bit late, no, ramifications only come up for really long-term misfilings etc.

It's mostly a bad show for the stockholders
Kharn said:
It's mostly a bad show for the stockholders

Well if you're still invested at this point, you seemingly don't care anyways, so what's a few late filings compared to the incongruity of being a developer who lacks a development staff or new product in the past 1.5 years? :roll:
Murdoch said:
Well if you're still invested at this point, you seemingly don't care anyways, so what's a few late filings compared to the incongruity of being a developer who lacks a development staff or new product in the past 1.5 years? :roll:

And no phone support for 2 years.
No public website for 1 year.
No industry respect ever again. At lease EA does pay the slaves that work for them.
Roshambo said:
Murdoch said:
Well if you're still invested at this point, you seemingly don't care anyways, so what's a few late filings compared to the incongruity of being a developer who lacks a development staff or new product in the past 1.5 years? :roll:

And no phone support for 2 years.
No public website for 1 year.
No industry respect ever again. At lease EA does pay the slaves that work for them.

Let us not forget all the penalties racked up by labor board cases.
Herve cheated his employees out of a months pay, in some cases two. Its coming up on a year, and despite having to pay nearly double the amount owed because of penalties the state as accrued for his misdeed, Herve is still thumbing his nose at the law.

He stripped mined of the company, cheated employees, stole money from the state of California, embezzled medical & dental payment funds, and committed other deeds of corporate malfeasance.
What mental moron is going to give him money. The only funds he is going to get, is by cheating somebody else. So far, that looks like Titus investors when the French allowed him to function as liquidator his brother's company. I have no doubt that money from the liquidation ended up in Interplay coffers. There is too much evidence to support it.