Interplay earnings

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Ok, one last time, let's take a look at how Interplay is doing according to their latest SEC filing (a few days ago). First, to alleviate the fears of those who thought Interplay was still developing anything:<blockquote>Product development expenses for the three months ended March 31, 2006 were approximately $0, a 100% decrease as compared to the same period in 2005. This decrease is due to a $81,000 decrease in personnel costs as a result of a reduction in product development personnel during 2006 as compared to 2005.


Currently the Company has no internal development of new titles.</blockquote>Yet they still manage to lose 400k to administrative personel. Odd, that. Also:<blockquote>As of March 31, 2006, we had a working capital deficit of approximately $12 million, and our cash balance was approximately $40,000. We currently have no cash reserves and are unable to pay current liabilities. We cannot continue in our current form without obtaining additional financing or income or reducing expenditures.</blockquote>Their total net loss over these first three months of the year was about 500k. Also, their forum is still not up. Heh.
Man, talk about prolonging the agony. Why don't their lenders just call the loans already and cut their losses? You'd have to be some sort of uberfool to think that Interplay will ever be profitable again.
End the suffering Interplay, just die... please just die for your sins.

Your personal hell will be a small room with an xbox and a copy of FO:BOS.
You could weep. Herve seems to squeeze the last drop of blood out of the company. And by blood, I mean money.
There isn't even any actual money left in the company. They are literally insolvent. How can they keep going? How can Herve keep wasting money the company doesn't have to begin with?
I wept in December of 2003. Well, not really. But I was damned unhappy. The only thing good to come of it from my perspective was selling my shares at a profit. And don't ask me how I managed to do that because I still can't believe they went up. I put in my sell order the minute Puuk posted his good-bye on the IPLY forums and they hadn't released anything since IWD2.

I just can't believe Herve is still beating that dead and dessicated horse. Seriously. WTF??? Give it up Fifi.

And Kharn raises a good point about the forums not being up yet. Just as well. I was asked if I wanted to resume my position as a SuperMod. MWUHAHAHAHA. I actually had some pretty evil plans cooking with Roshambo back in the fall if I had of gone back. But... gee, there are no forums to go back to.
WTF. Are inertplay still around? Why??

They have no definite chance over EVER being able to make anywhere near a profit, so why the hell bother??

Here's a recent shot of Herve:
Yeah, Interplay has no hope in hell what so ever of doing anything. I doubt there's a single designer that would be foolish enough to work for Herve even if he somehow did get some money.
If he has money, he still hasn't seen the need to pay the $17,000+ in back due wages & penalties Interplay owes me. I filed all the paper work, won in the hearings, and even filed a collection judgment with the franchise tax board. 2 years later, I still haven't seen a dime. It seems that in America, or at least in California, employers are under no real obligations to pay employees.
Same in Canada. Judgements don't mean much if the other party doesn't want to pay. I've had to go a similar route in the past with a couple former employers. Smaller amounts of course and they usually cough up the cash but...

Does Herve give himself a paycheck from IPLY? Can it be garnished?
Surely I don't. Don't know where you are but in NA, the term is "garnished wages".

Logically, you would be corrected as "garnered" means "acquired" and "garnished" means "to add to" but... it's that silly English language again.
Why they just dont die and rest in the peace of hell?Dammit,there is a "ditado" here in Brazil that is more or less like this=Crap pots dont break.
One thing,how they survived until now?I thought that they were dead a long time ago,mayble there are some idiots that buy FO:BOS and pay their $300,00 for food...
heodien said:
Why they just dont die and rest in the peace of hell?

Because doing so would mean that Herve has lost another company. His ego precludes any action on his part.