Interplay files 10-Q

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Just a reminder Interplay is still around, running at an operating loss of 205K USD over the 3 months ending September 30th, 2010. Nothing new in the Bethesda lawsuit, but again, a reminder.<blockquote>On September 8, 2009 Bethesda Softworks LLC filed a Complaint for Declaratory Judgment, Preliminary Injunction and Other Relief against the Company in the United States District Court for the District of Maryland. Bethesda seeks to terminate the rights Interplay holds to sell and develop certain FALLOUT(r)-branded video games, including an MMOG. Interplay disputes all claims raised by Bethesda and has answered the lawsuit and asserted Counter-Claims, including claims for Breach of Contract, Rescission, Accounting and Declaratory Relief seeking an award of damages and other relief. Interplay also seeks a declaration from the Court that it has not infringed upon the FALLOUT(R) mark and that it has satisfied the terms of the Trademark Licensing Agreement related to Interplay's production of a FALLOUT(R) massively-multiplayer online game. The Court denied Bethesda's Motion for Preliminary Injunction on December 10, 2009. Interplay will continue to defend its rights and pursue its Counter-Claims against Bethesda.</blockquote>
What is taking them so long to get this done? I haven't really been following the lawsuit in close detail, so could someone tell me? Is one of the companies using delaying tactics or something?
I guess that a corporate lawsuit isn't that important... but still, this has been waiting for a long time, and doesn't seem like a very hard case as long as you know how to read the contract or just listen to the respective arguments. Maybe we should just get it over with.
Little Robot said:
What is taking them so long to get this done? I haven't really been following the lawsuit in close detail, so could someone tell me? Is one of the companies using delaying tactics or something?

There should be some new developments this month, I'm sure they've been doing stuff in the past behind closed doors, it just hasn't been made public.
Elven6 said:
Little Robot said:
What is taking them so long to get this done? I haven't really been following the lawsuit in close detail, so could someone tell me? Is one of the companies using delaying tactics or something?

There should be some new developments this month, I'm sure they've been doing stuff in the past behind closed doors, it just hasn't been made public.

I agree, but why is not public?
lifer said:
I agree, but why is not public?

Why would negotiations to settle out of court be public? The court files are publicly available for a fee, which is how the Vault has been getting it (as well as us until we pissed off Interplay's investors), and once a deal has been made it'll have to be filed since it's a listed company.
Brother None said:
The court files are publicly available for a fee, which is how the Vault has been getting it (as well as us until we pissed off Interplay's investors)

How did that happen? And how could it prevent you from getting publicly available documents?
Little Robot said:
Brother None said:
The court files are publicly available for a fee, which is how the Vault has been getting it (as well as us until we pissed off Interplay's investors)
How did that happen? And how could it prevent you from getting publicly available documents?

You misunderstand, I think, someone was forwarding the files but got pissed at the way we keep poking fun at Interplay so now they just go to the Vault. NMA could easily get someone to pick up these court files, they're public, it's just that we don't really care that much.