Interplay meets Cold Fusion:

"Unique to the software industry is the ability for developers and publishers to sell or rent their own products into the marketplace without the consumer taking physical possession."

Unique as in "nobody else was dumb enough to try it"!
>"Unique to the software industry is
>the ability for developers and
>publishers to sell or rent
>their own products into the
>marketplace without the consumer taking
>physical possession."

You mean I get to pay for a game and not own it *too?* Sign me up!


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Renting a game or a movie is one thing, particularly when the rental price is comparatively 1/10th to 1/20th or less of the cost of movie or game. That's about $2, for a few days. That's enough for someone to play or watch, and see if they would pay to own it.

But where this is entirely boneheaded, is that the price offset makes me think that some idiot thought "Let's see...$3 for three $5.99 a MONTH would be just an incredible deal!". Nu-uh, doesn't work like that at all. Particularly when you can BUY that game and it's sequel TOGETHER for $4 more and OWN them. It's a difference from trying a $40 game for a couple of days on $2, and trying a bundled $9 game at $5.99 a month. Even in NZ where you can rent games, they wouldn't rent out bargain bin games, they would rent out new-releases. Where it's fatal for Interplay is when the player runs into their SHITTY QA standards.

Where this is also flawed, is that you know all those nice fatal bugs Interplay STILL hasn't nailed in their crap? They are going to be there, as well as whatever new bugs are going to be created. So, at most, someone would rent a game for a month, get cheesed off by all the bugs, try another, find the same thing, then completely ditch the service. Then clean out their underwear as they get their ISP's bill for this crock.
This is a joke by Interplay, right? I mean come on, it's got to be! This is insane. Who the hell would pay this? I personally would rather pay $50 for Fallout3 than have to "pay to play" for $6 a month. It makes better sense for the business as well as the consumer. So, hypothetically, if my brother wants to play on my other computer at the same time, we have to buy 2 accounts? wtf! *WTF* hehe, Interplay will go to the cemetery if they seriously decide to implement this shit. -end minirant
I think Interplay is out of ideas...either that, or they are marketing products to dumb people...
I think they're trying to corner the coveted "stupid fucking moron" demographic. Good luck to them, because that's Mac territory.
Moo... Moo... I'm an Interplay cow.

Moo... Moo... I'm an Interplay cow.

Milk me.

Moo..... Moo.... I'm an Interplay Cow. (Ready to be milked with a Fallout style MMORPG with aliens!)