Interplay once again fails to file its proper SEC filings

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Interplay's ticker symbol turned from IPLY.OB into IPLYE.OB again, as they still have not filed their 10-Q and their late filing expired. On the plus side for them, the stock has been rising lately and is now at 0.06.
Saint_Proverbius said:
That 0.087 value is from April 29th, not from today. From the Yahoo listing:

I was wondering about that. I noticed it was going up but was wondering about the high number.

Bug in Yahoo's system, ey

heh.. the graph looks good... started dropping, then rose again in the run up to the launch of FO:BOS, then plumeted once it was out and they actually saw the state of the crap they were putting out...